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Everything posted by fakeindian

  1. nice one bud can't wait to see it and hear it for that matter
  2. Okay so I've had the day off work and have been getting bored so I thought I'd do a little car mod.... I have decided to do the bumper tuck to show off my nice shiny scorpion back box what do ya think?? (sorry I'm crap at taking photo's ) this is the guide I followed: http://forums.nicoclub.com/350z-diy-bum ... 15681.html
  3. this morning going the opposite direction to me heading towards Netherton.. think the plate was EA02 with a nismo v1 front end... not 100% sure though gave a and got a back. was it anyone on here
  4. just voted loving the chick sitting it the drivers seat of the blue one
  5. I understand bud but the offers there if you change your mind
  6. Ahhh man I feel for you dude... If you want bud the seat next to me in my zed will be empty if you wanna come??
  7. So sorry to here that bud. have you got anything in mind for what you want next??
  8. now get your sig sorted out
  9. good man can't wait to see the pic's
  10. looking very nice buddy i think our zeds could be related hats off to you my man the car is looking gorgeous and that engine bay is spot on can't wait to see it in the flesh.
  11. good man, I'm I right in thinking that if it will fit the pop charger then it should also fit the standard air box??
  12. only half well That make me well and truely fooked!!
  13. black wheels with a chrome lip would look ace.... i wanna get mine done now!!!!
  14. you need to spray your door handle black now
  15. looks the nuts mate
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