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Everything posted by fakeindian

  1. nope.... japspeed y pipe straight into the scorpion back box
  2. I think you were right about getting a quieter exhaust you're not going twin exit are you???
  3. only just saw this post.... wet myself laughing!!!
  4. okay i've voted from my home computer, i phone and will do the work computer later today
  5. come on boys pull your finger out.... i want some!!
  6. nope thats sexual +1 nice new sig by the way
  7. I'm waiting on husky to do his super duper led clusters
  8. here you go buddy: viewtopic.php?f=107&t=32093
  9. careful you'll end up putting sped holes in your bonnet i'll try not to go that far
  10. another example of the phase "search is your friend" hey Ian
  11. well there you go if you don't ask you don't get...... for the guys thinking about it that maybe a better option then getting your drill out!!
  12. you nutta that text was about the new rear badge
  13. thanks guys.. it is scary when the first screw goes in but the end result is well worth it.
  14. bloody hell mate i'm bring mine round yours for a wash
  15. well it shouldn't.... but i think i pushed to hard on the bumper and have got some spider cracks but it's more on the underside that you can't see any more..... plus i need to get my rear bumper touched up as someone has hit it so i'm not to fussed
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