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Everything posted by fakeindian

  1. Dude I'm so sorry to here this mate.. I hope things pick up soon and you won't have to sell it... But out of your choices I'd go for the supra.
  2. you will only here the clicky axle when you move off... if you can here the rattle while the car is stationary then some thing is probably loose.
  3. ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ happy birthday buddy.
  4. blade with import front plate parked up at the Mac d's drove past you as i was leaving sorry i didn't wave i think i was in shock to see another zed
  5. :lol: only have to wait until wales Thats a long wait and i hate surprises If you don't pm me details then i will stop by yours tomoro' as i have to pop in coventry for a barbie at my cousins :lol: i wont be in its not like im pulling a fakeindian though alot of the changes are under the surface Oi!! I don't like the phase "pulling a fakeindian" what's that ment to mean?
  6. here you go viewtopic.php?f=62&t=30433 think he is selling it to or can make a titanium one...give him a pm
  7. i think carbon coops on here has a custom one
  8. no way that's pants do a sicky
  9. dude are you seriously not going to be able to make Wales
  10. well he can't be as the first post says it was around 170 miles from abbey WHERE THE HELL ARE YA
  11. so that's why you've kept yours on
  12. good man... give him the chair WWF style!!!
  13. apart from having a auto ecu!! oh and welcome to the mad house
  14. always comes in handy as a whip
  15. is that your last bit of the zed
  16. Just got my new tax disc holder... thanks buddy it's awesome i'll get it on the car once i've had time to warm the window up a bit it's bloody today!!
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