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Everything posted by fakeindian

  1. here you go viewtopic.php?f=34&t=36448
  2. pmsl was gonna say, state the obvious overload
  3. yes it's amy's just wondered if anyone has read it yet?? haven't heard anything from her in a while??
  4. chill out it was a joke
  5. any body read this yet?? anyone on here we know?? http://www.maxpower.co.uk/article.asp?asset=12101 sorry if it's a repost
  6. will do, am going to go find a few dealerships first and take a few for a test drive to re familiarise myself with the vehicles then start looking proerly on autotrader knowing you i'm sure you find an excellent example
  7. i have seen this zed in the flesh and i have to say it is a very looked and loved after car... it's a shame you have to sell her mate i hope you find a good home for her and it stays with us on the forum. GLWTS
  8. fair enough buddy i hope your happy with what ever you get and if you ever miss having a drive of the zed then just give us a buzz i'll be happy to let you take her for a spin
  9. but why a s2000???.... sorry man but i just dont like um
  10. now thats a good idea.... but get a roadster so you can where you hat
  11. you'll have to get your straw hat out again for the s2k so your head don't get brunt!!
  12. suits rich well then you remember him from the mr muscle adds?
  13. it's like it has lack of muscles
  14. do you seriously want to go from your zed to this
  15. i'm gonna miss you man..... it was great to have known you buddy
  16. need to do that lads night v.soon to give him some slaps of sense!!! screw it come on husky lets sell up and get s2000's im sorry rich i can't see why you can't pull through this if your not that broke you must be able to find a way to pull some extra cash in.... can't you do some summer classes or something?? try and get the stuff sorted with husky and start selling some of the projects?? i just don't want you to go i'm so upset
  17. tell him to pee in a cup and see the doctor for some cream for that itch!! going from a zed to a S2000 is just a no no.... it will never live up to what you want
  18. there has to be another way!!! should we try a keep biscuits zed fund raiser?? try and get everyone on here to donate a £1 or sponsor him for something outrageous
  19. Yeah I think we need to get together and sort him out!!
  20. biscuits leaving threat flogging 1. husky 2. Ruddles 3. Fakeindian
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