fair do's your entitled to your opinion, but then your coming from a posisiton of owning an M3 and a lambo, as well as the Zeds. for you an S2000 is majorly in the wrong direction.
i've come from mk3 mr2 roadsters and civics i like the high rev engines, yes the zed torque is good, but you can have just as much fun in an s2000.
this move isn't so much a step up, more a move across.
apart from the finances i have become a little disheartened with the zed. things like mods taking 8 months to arrive. not being able to drop the roof like on my old mr2, having done so many mods that i won't let anyone near it. and the fact that i've done everything i wanted to with the car.
the s2000 move gives me everything i want and money in the bank.
any ways this thread is about info on the s2000 not if you like it or not, if you want to post a narrow point of view, go do it on my winds of change thread.
**** your wind of change thread, i'll post where I like