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Everything posted by fakeindian

  1. can you do the west midlands on the 29th
  2. will finish it off nicely.
  3. looks buddy.... with that supercharger fitted you'll be taking off soon!!! you need a mod where some wings come out the doors do like the look of the front.... very aggressive
  4. you gonna be there the same time as me mate
  5. looks lovely mate i've put them in here for you so everyone can see them
  6. they look very bet they would look good on a z and that is a bargain price for someone wanting new wheels
  7. I have the same affliction Its not that your sexy like me its because the birds mistake you for John Barnes, they want to hear you do the World In Motion Rap while caressing their naked bodies sorry to hear that buddy.... i'd say sc.. i know i would if i could.
  8. Is there no way of going back??? The IPod function won't work with my pioneer stereo anymore!!
  9. right ordered these one today... i might be able to keep these ones on http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... 3D1&_rdc=1
  10. I can't believe someone has stolen my zed value covers!! If some numpty with a crap car had it then that's one thing but if someone that has a zed stole them... come on if you can afford to buy a zed then you can afford to buy some £4 dust caps from eBay!! Why do people have to this
  11. Looks I like the little mods since I've seen you last.
  12. Yeah but they haven't got a "show off you BMW silver zed" section
  13. I get this noise to but I have been told that it's something to do with the air getting in the groves so it makes a noise... Apparently it helps with the cooling of the brakes. Don't know how true this is but I hear it all the time. Just got used to it now
  14. I do wish that I went 20 on mine instead of 15.... Have you seen the 20mm ones that CS does in black?? Would look good with the black wheels.
  15. Thanks buddy... But I'm sure parked up next to yours it would look standard!
  16. Well I gave her a clean today so I thought I might as well join in
  17. fakeindian

    Zed and noble

    your gonna end up having my car for a year!!!
  18. fakeindian

    Zed and noble

    Some good pics john... Dam those cars look clean!! Can I have a full car clean service when you've next got mine
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