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Everything posted by fakeindian

  1. fakeindian

    Fuel 5 19"

    well from my own experience with them i think there fine and i do give them some abuse
  2. fakeindian

    Fuel 5 19"

    sorry mate i was just joking.... ive hit some hard pot holes and they have been fine.. not really had any problems with mine
  3. mate its probably an indian wedding and they go on for ages
  4. fakeindian

    Fuel 5 19"

    yes they are, dont buy them
  5. mate you can feel the power loss over a couple of days driving... car just feels wrong. well it did for me anyhow. once i put the standard airbox back on all was good within half an hour of driving
  6. lappy just had a submit fit!!
  7. was you trying to fix the window??
  8. when me and husky put my sounds in i never had any tweeters,...... just the cover with nothing behind it
  9. what you doing to the car now??
  10. very nice bud how much you selling the gay fiesta for
  11. fakeindian

    Fuel 5 19"

    stop copying my wheels!!!
  12. Just tell her it's a lexus with one of those hybrid engines Edit: the G35
  13. fakeindian

    My NUTS

    here you go... good story line viewtopic.php?f=61&t=39633
  14. i have a unique silver bmw 2 seater if you want i'd say R32
  15. Just Skid Skid low blow just cos you got away with it
  16. try ZMANALEX i got the kit off him and i have no click click noise now
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