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Everything posted by chris84

  1. no car park, just says parking available nearby at £13 overnight. Always forget how lucky I am with a secure manned 24/7 car park at work in Leeds City Centre which we can use any time for free. Thanks for the offer. Wouldn't want to inconvenience you though especially since we'll be visiting friends and scooting about over the weekend while we're there so we'd need easy access to the car. Obviously don't know where you are in Cardiff but I guess it's not in the centre so it's probably easier to go with Ians recommendations even though he doesn't paint a great picture of the car parks Chris
  2. I need help from someone who lives in Cardiff. I'm stopping in the Parc Hotel (1 Park Place , CARDIFF, CF10 3UD) in Cardiff Centre over May bank holiday. Can anyone tell me from experience which car parks near the hotel are 24/7 and more importantly 350z safe? Don't want to get stuck on a ramp or anything Have seen this one at the bottom of the road but it looks like a scary multi storey car park which isn't zed compatible, correct me if I'm wrong. NCP Dunfries Place Thanks in advanced
  3. head on both times so i couldnt say.
  4. looked like a 313, white with what looked like a black lip. looked mint.
  5. Looked almost as lost as me, spotted it twice while i was consider if mine would make it in and out of the multistorey car park. It did but only just at 1mph. Anyway flashed white zed and was signalled back.
  6. this is what i was looking for nice. in the lakes at the moment, planning on scooting up wrynose over next few days. should be interesting, already had a few near misses with the rocks sticking out of the rock face along roads and ppl thinking their little KAs need 2/3s of the road. killers on the juice here as well, spent most my time riding 3rd and 4th but it's a laugh.
  7. can't believe it. downloaded sunday nights episode of top gear in HD at work and put it on my portable hard drive. left it in the zed last night and now the mechanisms inside it are frozen solid, got it sat close but not too close to the fire in an attempt to defrost. chris
  8. This is annoying, since i bought the zed in October I have only seen one other and that's owned by someone in the new housing development around the corner. I'm always driving around Leeds so I would have thought I'd see another. If you own the '08' Blade 350z in Kippax speak up otherwise I may have to come knock on your door. I've got the '55' blade which you will have seen darting about.
  9. Ummm not exactly. c&w don't sell to domestic users, they provide data connectivity for big corporate companies. when i tell people where i work they often assume i mean virgin or ntl but we have nothing to do with the. c&w sold its tv services to ntl and stripped all its domestic services when it nearly went backrupt in 2003ish. since rebuilt as the best alternative to BT for big corporate businesses. if you have virgin in your area go with them. if they say they can give you 50Mb then you'll get 50Mb. Internet over the telephone lines always sell as upto 8Mb etc because it is heavily dependant on your distance from the exchange. They'll tell you what you will potentially get but it is still just an educated guess.
  10. I managed to get stuck on Dewsbury Rd in Leeds. The camber of the road and a slight incline meant my back end didn't want to leave the curb. At one point I was driving (drifting) sideways across two lanes with the back tyres bouncing off the curb. To make things worse the buses were out and they weren't stopping for anything so I had a few near misses. I should mention that I finished work at 7AM after a night shift so the roads were freshly covered as it started coming down here at 6AM. Had a couple of other incidents but nothing worth mentioning, standard stuff. Luckily my mate was about to help everytime I got stuck as we were on a mission to find a big empty space to play which we found. Only issue... the snow was far too deep for my zed, even the 4WD Scoobie was defeated. Vid and pics included, listen for him destroying his alloy against a concrete block when he loses control. Wheel needed to be taken off before we could move on. Mine wouldn't even move in this snow which isn't hard to imagine since it was deep enough for me to plough it up.
  11. If you haven't spotted this...
  12. blade looks kinda the same if you just clean the wheels not sure about that. tempted to leave them as they are, got the anthracite effect now and I kinda like it. may have to get the alloys coated.
  13. my350z.com would be good if it wasn't for all those Americans other uk forums seem a little half hearted..... anyway it's the members that make it so good.
  14. In Leeds and have a big stock of Meguiars products but I cannot be bothered anymore. Is it just me or is all this grit on the roads making a mess of the cars. Glad I bought the mud guards now, had them sprayed but still waiting to get the zed on a ramp so they can be fitted. In the meantime I have cleaned it three times this week, lasts about an hour. blade zed doesn't look the same covered in dirt.
  15. mint mine is due and i fall just into the pre march 2006 band so £235 for me
  16. All ISPs do this. From experience I know Sky & Virgin have done it before. If you manage to install a Virus/Trojan (regardless of whether it was intentionally or not) and it starts spamming people then they have a responsibility to do something about it. The law is that you are responsible for anything which leaves your computer even if it's through no fault of your own. Usually they stop your internet and ask you to sort the Virus/Trojan before they will switch it back on. If it comes back a second time they turn it off and ask you to provide them with a letter from a computer repair company confirming the issue has been sorted. We send our concern to the ISPs and let them deal with their users accordingly. Sending an email to tell her was unusual though. Normally Tiscali send a letter, would make more sense.
  17. show axed in America so not worth watching, ends about episode 17 of season one.
  18. funny that because Pipex was bought by Cable&Wireless then sold to Tiscali UK who is now owned by TalkTalk. You're with TalkTalk now who have the worst customer service. Any how customer good or bad doesn't make a difference if the service is good meaning you never need to ring them. BT own the exchanges but you can look on http://www.samknows.com and do an exchange search based on your postcode to find out which companies have their own LLU in the exchange. Broadband providers are now able to install their own equipment into the Exchange, this equipment is owned and maintained by the broadband company and not BT. BT have no involvement if there is a problem with this equipment unless they are contracted in to help. This means if you move to say 'BE' for your internet, the other end of your telephone line in the exchange will be disconnected from BTs equipment and plugged into the 'BE' LLU. Check the website for your exchange and see which providers are connected. If a provider isn't connected to your exchange then they are just reselling BT internet. Competition rules means BT has to provide wholesale internet to other companies so they can resell it. Companies that usually have LLUs in the exchange are Demon(owned by Thus which is owned by Cable&Wireless), Sky, Orange, TalkTalk, Tiscali(owned by TalkTalk but they still have their own LLUs at the moment) and finally BE(owned by O2). I personnally use Tiscali because they have never performed any kind of traffic shaping to stop me downloading which I do a lot. As they have their own LLU in the exchange I am no longer on BTs network so I don't pay line rental, instead I pay £14.99 per month for 8Mb unlimited internet plus free calls anytime to landlines and free line rental. Yes they are now owned by TalkTalk but there packages still stand and more importantly in the past 18 months I haven't had to call them for anything. I still work in WAN technologies, maintaining the infrastructure for many tier 3 ISPs. Hope this info helps and I haven't ranted too much, tried to be unbiased by only mentioning the company I work for twice even though we only sell internet to other ISPs and not to the general public. Chris
  19. Not a bad price for a HP monitor but that's the problem, they notably more expensive compared to other brands. Cost you £115 upwards for a refurbished one elsewhere.
  20. Firefox/McAfee wouldn't cause your connection to drop. They could stop your web browser from going on the internet which would look like your connection has dropped but if the wifi symbol shows a connection with a little globe then you're still on the internet. You can open a command prompt and do something like 'ping google.com' to test if you're still on internet. If it works then yes you have an application error which is most likely caused by the McAfee firewall. Try turning thr McAfee firewall off, the Windows firewall will default back on which is fine.
  21. anthracite alloys look good on a blade zed. getting a blueflame myself. Blueflame quoted me £640incVAT with fitting. Motorsports World sell same exhaust for £477incVAT and step dad can fit it at work. think i'll be going for the blueflame decat pipes as well, they haven't ever made high perf cats for zed before so they'd be a custom job.... expensive.
  22. if you have to ask then you're definitely not getting one. just do what i did, called into abbey for a £13k bankers draft then went to pick one up while she was at work. don't bother if you have to do it on finance though. if i had to pay a finance company as well as £300+ a month in fuel and modding money i think she'd have it sold for me. just to remind you what they can be like http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/west ... 122842.stm
  23. UK can cope on 95RON but my understanding from reading the manual many months ago was that they don't recommend it and if you have to they suggest mixing with 98+RON 50/50. Even then you shouldn't give it much POWER.
  24. mine seems to expose some metal at the top of the rubber strip like it has slipped down. Think that may be my fault though, run it along the ground a few times taking some getting used to having a low front end. heard some horror stories about problems with ferries etc which is making me reconsider my venture to europe in spring.
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