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Posts posted by Gizmo-R

  1. prm intake is mighty noisy! And thats about it for the S2000. Gains were negligable but grins was infinite!


    Not sure how this would fair up on the zed though

  2. Congrats :yahoo:


    Think we have all just read why this is a great forum/club.


    I second that..... Neilp and Cragus have inspected a car on my behalf in Glasgow and even assisted me with the logistics of it all to help me get around :thumbs:


    I dont think this level of help could be mirrored by many other forums!

  3. Wow! You went for the kill and bought the car?? I'm in the same position as you lol but I wanted to see the car just to satisfy myself that is what I am parting my cash with!


    The funny thing is you coming from Glasgow to South whereas I am the otherway round and taking a flight to Glasgow!!!


    Seems like a good example and its nothing you couldn't sort out yourself :thumbs:

  4. 4v high Voltage output refers to the RCA outputs when connecting to Amplifiers. Sound quality is generally better in the sense that the amp receives a cleaner signal and reduces the need to turn the gains up on them so high so the amp is worked a little less harder.


    Most normal HU belt out 2v RCA outputs. So if you not running amplifiers and just using the HU power then the voltage of the RCA output is irrelevant.


    And no, line booster/driver is not required unless you are running loads of amplifiers



  5. Well guys, just an update and I have bit the bullet and booked myself a flight to Glasgow to have a look at the car with a very likely sale


    Must give a huge thanks to Neil and Craig and I've really had to rely on their (esp Neils) impartial advice on this one particular Zed


    If they said its good for the year/price then i have ultimately gone with what they have said but I need to see it for myself to satify myself with the money I will potentially be parting with! :thumbs:

  6. Well Done Guys! Thanks ever so much for your help!


    I spoke to Neil on the phone who gave me a low down on the car.


    I even sent the lady a text to say thank you for allowing the arrangements of viewing the car.


    She even replied back and sang your praises and mentioned how professional you guys were so it leaves me to wonder whether you are on commission or had your crate of beer already!! :lol:


    No beer but got a cheeky maccy ds on the way home :lol:


    I took pics of all the faults but I wasnt sure if should put them up? Don't want to put you off the car with nitpicking. Its not perfect but its four years old. Clean the engine bay, give a good detail and refurb or change the wheels and you will have a nice car. Also take into consideration that tyre and pads will need done soon.


    If you want the pics up I will take the time to upload them for you :thumbs:


    Craig I would like to see pics. rather than posting a load do you have a photobucket or flikr account or something where you can just upload them into an album and send me the link to view that would be great cheers :thumbs:


    Mmmmm Maccy D. They doing the Miami Melt this week so the ads say! :lol:

  7. Well Done Guys! Thanks ever so much for your help!


    I spoke to Neil on the phone who gave me a low down on the car.


    I even sent the lady a text to say thank you for allowing the arrangements of viewing the car.


    She even replied back and sang your praises and mentioned how professional you guys were so it leaves me to wonder whether you are on commission or had your crate of beer already!! :lol:

  8. Don't worry - there will be no handbrake turns up to her door - I am a respectable and polite chap. Can't speak for Neil. :lol:


    We can note down how the car looks visually including tyre wear etc, do a few basic engine checks, run it and listen to it tick over but without being able to drive it won't be able to comment on any other common faults like the rear clicky axle etc. Do as much as we can for you though.



    If you can sort something out drop me a PM and I'll pass over the details I have and I will contact the lady regarding a possible viewing for a suitable time


    Cheers :thumbs:

  9. Thanks Guys


    This really does do me a world of favours.


    I've had some photos of the NS alloy which looked kurbed (which is okay to a point) and some minor discrepencies when I asked her details about the car. She is selling it on behalf of his son so there may be details she is unsure of which is why I need some 350z Cavalry to step in


    I'm just worried you guys will turn up 'A-Team' style and scare the crap out of her! lol

  10. If you want to craig, are you free tonight? We could go and have a look? Looks like a good deal


    Guys if have got time that would be great! If you let me know in good time so I can call the lady let her know and I will pass over the details I have and what info I require (plus all the infor you think I need!)


    Glasgow is a good 300miles from where I live so potentially I could end up buying without even looking at it in the flesh (which probably is not a good idea!) but gonna have to trust your judgement on this one! :thumbs:

  11. Oh Scaaawwweeeet Guys! :yahoo:




    This is the link : 350Z


    Anyone seen or know of this car?


    The lady said she is selling it on behalf her son who gone to America to work. I had a couple of pics mailed to me of the NS alloy wheels. Front look kerbed. However mileage looks good on it and its pretty much down my avenue


    I will need to phone the person to arrange a viewing however with one of you guy on my behalf though




  12. Hey Guys


    Could do with eyes and knowledge in Glasgow area


    I've seen a Zed that I am interested in however it is over 300miles from where I live so I could really do with some eyes and expertise in having a look at it for me to guage condition and state


    Happy to pay the gesture back with a couple of bevvies :drunk:




    Do any of you guys know of these 2 cars??


    54 Plate Azure Blue


    I test drove this today!


    Very nice car and has the sat nav which isn't mentioned in the advert!

    The only slight concern I had with the car was the fact that it has had some paint work on the front end with evidence of some over spray on the underside of the headlights. There was also some bubbling of the paint at the bottom of the grill. This could just be a front end re-spray due to stone chips or something more, I really don't know.


    The guys at the garage were really friendly and were great to deal with though.




    Sat Nav not mentioned but you can see from pics.What was the bolster wear like on drivers seat?? Did you note how much tax remaining and MOT? Service history?


    Do you think its worth the asking price? I'm sure they would budge on it!




    That is really useful to know you have seen it in flesh

  14. Hiya Guys! Thread Resurrection as I didn't see the point of starting a new one but I finally Sold my S2000 and now on the hunt for a 350z!


    My preference is Azure Blue then Black. I would love a facelift model (MY06) but I've yet to decide if I want to stomach the supercar tax that comes with it. I did have to pay £400+ per year tax on the S2000 so its not as if I've not done it before its just whether I wanna pay £400+ tax again


    Do any of you guys know of these 2 cars??


    54 Plate Azure Blue




    05 Black GT4


    also do any of you member live anywhere near these garages? I live nowhere near these garages and need some experienced eyes over them if that would be at all poss in exchange for a few bevvys!





  15. I think people leaving is very subjective....


    I've just sold my S2000 and looking for a Z. Nothing wrong with the S itself but just facied something different that was at the end of the alphabet!


    At least I've had the past time of saying I've owned a convertible and now looking for a pastime to own a V6!

  16. Hey Rbiscuit... I've just sold my 2006 S2000 thursday just gone and looking for a 350z (have been for a while lol)


    You could have swapped cars :wave:



    LOL Possibly but like myself Rbiscuit probably had a preference to what kind of S2000 is preferred.


    Silver 350z wasn't not high on my list unfortunately

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