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Everything posted by neo-ninja

  1. kk, will just top up gradually, how often do you find you need to refill, as i said mine has done about 3k miles since its last service...
  2. so theres no where that actually fits it snug! doh!
  3. So... where do you people put it, i have owned my z for an awesome 1 month so far, and am struggling to know where to put it. Behind the passanger seat? This seems to take up too much room... IN the large compartment behind the passengers seat, this seems to rattle around and make loud cluncking sounds when pulling away IN the boot...on show and same problem.... In the small storage compartments behind the seats...it dont fit!.... So people am i going mad....where should i put it? I dont want to leave it at home as does have usefull information in aswell as useful numbers etc... Let me know where you put it! Thanks Neo
  4. i have put about 1/4 of a litre in and will check again tomorrow morning and will see how the level has changed, then will prob put another 1/2 litre in if it still looks lowish.
  5. yeah its very wierd, anyway going to put in the 10w-40 castrol gtx and give that a go.
  6. its was the nerves kicking in to be honest recon i will top it up with a quater first then just monitor over the next week and slowy top up just to make sure im not a spaz!
  7. HI All, So i just bought some Castrol 10w - 40 GTX oil. Is that good for my car? Let me know and i will top her up a bit, Thanks, Neo
  8. im hoping its because its unlevel, recon i will check it again in the carpark around lunch then it has been sitting for a few hours. In terms of best places and brand to buy oil from, what good oils do people recomend from a petrol station? Let me know thanks!
  9. So i checked irt this morning, the car was on a slight slope, very tiny slope barely noticible, front lower then the back, it was cold in the morning. And teh oil looks like it is just below/ on the min... Should i fill up asap? Neo
  10. even if its cold, ie tomorrow morning, its worth trying? Let me know, Thanks!
  11. short shift, will have to ebay that as a noob as to what it even looks like or does! lol
  12. howdy, i had a funny smell from my driver side front wheel, i couldnt place it but litrally only smelt it twice and never again so far. I came to teh conclusion it was where i have to do a series of manovers basically slipping teh clutch and one of them is over a lip to get into my space.... As since i havent smelt it, but i am keeping my noise open for it... Its just nerves of buying a new car i am the same lol!
  13. lol ESP is always on for me, what is amazing is how in my smart roadster i litrally could put my foot flat down even in the wet, and only when pulling away would get slippage, however if i did that in the 350 i wouldnt go anywhere for ages! and I can even feel it kicking in when on a straight and i put my foot down in the wet!
  14. Hi all, So i have looked through the forums, but there seems to be quite a bit about the subject but none reflecting the below questions. So when I got the car I told the garage to check the oil level for me, as I didn’t want to find I needed to refill the oil and forget etc etc…. they said they checked it and it was fine. Anyway so being a nervous bugger, I decided to check it today, I drove back to work from lunch prob a 10 min 30-30pmh drive, parked the car in the work underground carpark and waited about 30 mins, then decided to check it. What concerned me, was firstly how long and woberly the dipstick was and secondly, how I could see no clear level of the oil….. in every car I have owned previously it is clear the oil is X way up the dipstick, and if it is below the middle I top it up and if its ok I leave it. However on this there was literally no obvious mark, the oil looked very thin, and I couldn’t tell if it wasn’t full at all ( a tad scary) or was ok… So basically I was wanting someones advice, I don’t really want to take it down to a garage as that is a bit of a pain and will make me feel like a spaz no doubt, if anyone is around and fancies giving it a look for me (im in Weybridge Surrey area (I know someone must be close by I have seen a few zs!!)) I would be very appreciative or if you have any advice. Then secondly, what oil shall I buy, im not racing the car but do want it to be a generally healthy car. I was told by the garage a good quality 10-40 would do, and that it wouldn’t matter what brand/ type they had put in first… Anyway let me know your thoughts! And as always thank you in advance! Neo
  15. lol so what am i doing wrong?!
  16. So back on topic.... Thios morning i got up my car windows were iced so i rubbed the seals here (see pic) quite a bit so they were no longer icey but the window still wouldnt drop, until i got all the way to work.... Am i rubbing in the wrong place? Or do i simply rub harder? I wouldnt say the frost today was particularly bad either.... Let me know, Neo
  17. true interesting point, but maybe its one of those myths that is handed down generation to generation and some time ago made sense but now doesnt...
  18. Can you explain your reasons for the above. The load placed on the engine by these are minute in the real world. It will only mean it stays idling aroudn 1500rpm for a bit longer which is 100% safe for the engine to warm up at. When you start driving it will make even less difference. I know what you mean sounds silly, but i have heard this a few times, and was told it by a family friend mechanic too. He was basically saying that your battery when cold is no where near as efficent as it should be. So if you start the car with lights on electric heaters, stereo etc... its all stealing juice... so on an old car or battery it might not even start... or on a new one teh risk is that you drain teh battery just enough so that if you stall or the engine cuts out for some unexpected reason you dont have enough juice to start it again.... So all in all i think its just good practice to let teh car start then after you are strapped in , about to get the the electric gates at the end of teh drive you then start turning stuff on...however in practice i turn everything on straight away! Especially the heated seats!!
  19. you can open the boot from the key fob?! i press mine once for drivers side, again for passenger... but didnt realise i could do boot aswell!! how do i do that?
  20. So just rub it to get it warm is what you suggest?
  21. havent driven my z this morning but did see it was iced! So where is it you mean to scrape? Do you use like a credit card to scrape uder the seal?
  22. ah well lol ...... that is where my knowledge ends.... what i do know is from thier site and another forum i look at people have said it is amazingly accurate when they have compared with real dyno results....
  23. Hi All, So a few weeks back i did a post about an iphone app called pocket dyno, well i thought for the sake of a few quid i would buy the pocket dyno pro, and was very impressed with the results! So far i have only used it once but it worked faultlessly, and told me how fast i was to 60, then 100 the route i took etc... I now just need to find a proper road where i can start at a stand still and get a proper 0-60 time! And hope the road is dry! But i would recommend you guys try it, if not the pro version the free lite version! I will post my results when i get a decent set. Mark
  24. roadnoise in the 350z lol!! you should try driving a Smart Roadster, or lotus....its like you have the windows open constantly!!
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