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Everything posted by neo-ninja

  1. woo keychain one looks cool
  2. mmmm....so what is the point of this? are they fire proof or something... why not just buy a cheap pair of trainers..
  3. so how big are we talking about, also shame it doesnt have orange seats...
  4. yeah im umming about £15 lol, Im not sure if its a boys toy i will bin in a few weeks...
  5. report it to trading standards! its a disgrace!
  6. i found when i was looking, actually millage didnt change price massivly... main thing i found that changed price, was if it was a jdm or not. If it was a JDM you could nock off £3-4k the equivelent car (very broad statement but for the cars i was looking at that seemed the right amount) only problem i found with JDMS however is i couldnt get insurance... for some strange reason it was a massive amount more...
  7. bloody hell you got a bargain!
  8. yeah funny your talking about that as i was looking for a GM Gt but with nismo kit like mine similar size.. for all the other toys on my desk at work!
  9. z4m... make sure you do lots of research into them, as when i looked there were alot of duds out there. and loads of mixed comments abou them etc... also you have to be really carfeull with Alloys and tires, as the run flats can be a death trap apparently, and the alloys can split and break very easily aswell!
  10. Zed all the way for me, also i found that s2000 were alot more from me on insurance....about double that of the zed, when i inquired why i was told that basically they are hard to get parts for and are death traps if you have an accident (both sound suprising but.... then again as i said the insurance was more then double the zed)
  11. Quite old now i guess, and still not really sure if its real or not.... http://thisishardcore.weebly.com/
  12. Already have an xbox, just feeling greedy
  13. not wanting to be funny but this seems way over priced... for £260 you can now regularly get the newer slim model with 256gb hdd and drakes 2 and a blue ray. also included the dualshock 3. And thats brand new, i would expect to pay a flat £300 for what you are offering... so lets call it £150 and you have a deal
  14. I would be very interested in these, but with the risk of sounding stupid, i understand how you fit the sensor etc under the bumper, but where does the power connect to, and how do you get that connected to a speaker inside the car, Sure its very simple but cant work out how you would do it without drilling... If anyone is in Weybridge/ HANTS / Surrey area and has done it before i would love a hand doing it if its simple (dead nervous to take bumper off myself etc!)
  15. yeah i did think spec seemed a tad lacking but then again the windows is windows ce, so designed for low spec pcs. Im very tempted for £50 to give it a punt. Just wondering if i can hook it up to cameras... ALso thing is i dont really need gps as have my iphone with it lol! but boys and there toys ey!
  16. ah sorry to hear that, my worst nightmare actually! hit something in my work carpark, as parking is a bitch in there at the best of times, spaces are tiny, hardly any space to manover, horrible ramp down and tight turn in! Good luck fixing it!
  17. HI All, So I was just looking online randomly, and one of the sites i visit every so often mealy out of interest because of all the random stuff they sell is a site called dealextreme.com (and by random i really do mean random, from pieces to mod consoles, to memory cards, to spy gear...) Well anyway i was looking and happened to see this: http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.26917 Now i recon that will fit perfectly in the centre display, and would be dead simple to wire up to the power point. Which means reality easily and stress free, and for only £50 you will have satnav and a effectively a mini pc in your car... Thoughts?
  18. jailbrake your iphone go to the "alternative" app store and get tomtom
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