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Everything posted by neo-ninja

  1. Hi all, So just thought i would see different peoples opinion. On a long straight on average when do you find yourself changing gear REV wise, If you are driving it hard and if you are not? Also when driving around on easy roads 30pmh no majour hills or corners etc, what gear do you normally sit in? Will just be interesting to see what peoples driving styles are like?
  2. s2000 4u are defo very shifty... read some of my early posts about them and all you hear is bad things...
  3. very surpsied no mentions of Borat! got to be in my top 10, aswell as planes trains and automobiles!
  4. its the old timers in my place that have to print all the time!
  5. I would aslo quite like a little silver version for a keyring, i used to have one of my smart roadster. was quite cool Mark
  6. think mines better, has buttons on the side and everything!
  7. and pretty terrifying when there is saws and hammers around! i imagine!
  8. ah thats cool, guessing you are a CDT teacher?
  9. lol there are some creepy people out there!
  10. yeah im lucky, no one else uses my desk but me! But it does suck for the few part timers who have hotdesks in my company as you cant really personalize it..
  11. i didnt notice it... maybe it was his secret hit man list...
  12. hes taken them down, i recon you touched a nerve...
  13. lol more often then not i have no choice and am forced to listen to what ever Cd my mrs! wants to listen to! Which ends up being take that most of the time!.....at least its better then Busted!
  14. seen jump b4, but parachute jump is crazy! heard the guy who used to do the Crystal maze (bold guy dont know his name) used to do a very similar thing, except he used to throw the parachute out first then jump after it!
  15. lol no, but i do work in the digital department of my company doing lots of work online
  16. Thought it would be interesting to see what other peoples working space is like.. so post your pics... heres mine.. lots of toys and randomness!
  17. its suprisingly common expecially after getting new tires etc... it has happend to my parents cars twice (2 different cars) first time we recon as the wheels were old they litrally dethreaded the nuts by using the machine so the nuts went on but 10 miles away the wheel was on the verge of coming off. and second time as they were in a hurry (as you and they often are if you are on holiday when you get a flat) they must not have done them up tight enough. So we always all check now..
  18. im guessing its one of those things that has to be seen/ used to be believed...
  19. mmm its tough if its a private seller though and they arnt set up as a trader... espeically as they will say teh car was sold as seen...
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