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Everything posted by neo-ninja

  1. My rear tires are now at the point where really i should do them, the back right prob has 1-2 mm before saftey marker, but the rear left is more or less on it (i only do about 20 miles a week, so was no point in getting them done early). But i was wondering if anyone can recommend anyone in my local area, Weybridge, Walton on Thames way (Just south of london). I can take them to the local nissan but i have been told they charge a fortune... Also what sort of price should i be looking at for 2 new rear bridgestones? £100 each? £150 each with fitting etc? Let me know, Many thanks in advance! Neo
  2. anyone have a ny pictures of it, intrigued to see, but link no longer works for me
  3. mmmm.... dont want to be funny but a forum is for open discussion (Definition of forum : a public meeting or assembly for open discussion)
  4. paying over about £1500 is mad, but anytthing close to £3000 is insane i would have said as you can pick up a Zed for £10k so you have almost payed the car off in 3 years in insurance alone! Im 24, 3 years NCB, and my insurance was a flat £1k, i thought that was a lot but i love having a nice car, and would rather get less meals out or games or clothes to pay for it... if that make sense... But each to thier own! However please dont tell me you are going to buy the car on finance and pay that kind of insurance!
  5. changing the subject a tad, what happened to the car? everyone is implying it was destroyed?
  6. £7000 thats insane, i thought 3k was bad when i was looked at getting an s2000
  7. i was kind of hoping he would lose it and go into the lampost or his mates car, like that other footage of the chavs racing puntos
  8. Lots of stuff at the mo, but i have Lovefilm so I no longer buy games! Tried it for a month then was a complete convert, rent the games from them for £12 or so a month, (i would probably buy a game for £40 a month before lovefilm), play it complete it like most games in a week send it back get another. Also as i just discovered a disc didnt turn up reported it as lost they simply said fine no probs sent me it again and a day later i got both discs so now have a free copy of MW2! Result...cheeky i know but still was chuffed! If your interested i can get you a months free: give it a go if you dont like it just cancel, no contracts etc... http://www.lovefilm.com/gtd8tr87t/visit ... _up_1.html
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oL-fHqW0qnI&NR=1 check it out
  10. Jeeze ...didnt realise it was possible to scratch the glass...
  11. jeeze looks new to me aswell,,,,
  12. even more confused! i cant make out the picture for the life of me, you making vodka or something!?
  13. ah thats interesting so if you wanted to get maximum power from the car changing should be done at around 6k, not much higher or lower. Very interesting although i guess in a way a tad confusing because its not would you would naturaly assume. So to hit the 5.7s 0-60 time a decent start and then changing at 6k revs through the gears is the best bet. Not that i have actually had a chance to try yet lol! damn these roads around here and weather!
  14. jeeze scary! had my first proper traction controll kick in when changing lanes and flooring it to get past someone the other day, did give me a bit of a scare.
  15. Clio keeping up, jeeze suprising, i knew the sports versions cant remember what they are called for the life of me were quick, but otherwise even with mods didnt think they would be anything on a zed.. Very surpised. TBH though i remember in the Smart roadster people used to mock it for straightline speed (although it felt like a rocket when you were driving it ) but in terms of handleing round roundabout and corners you could beat anything they were like driving a caterham. it was only once you were out of teh bend on teh straight that you wished you had more power but now i have the Zed Im quite looking forward to my first proper at the lights faceoff, so far havent had one in the zed always makes me smile when it happens in any car, aslong as people keep it safe and fun.
  16. Ah see that is interesting already as i find that when driving very hard i change closer to 6.5/7k and when driving around a medium pace its normaly around 4k but when general driving is probably 3k. Im guessing you have the rev up engine? i dont think mine is a rev up as its a 2005, you recon im changing gear too high? i could be first car i have had that is this powerful. one of the reasons i am asking on here actually just to generally see if i am driving it to its best caperbilities I think the rev limiter is at 6600 so I think what he is saying is you CANT do 7000 in a DE ahhhh i see what you mean, maybe i read it wrong then. Next time i am in my car i will see. As i havent felt the rev limiter kick in, as i assume by doing so i would sudden loose power? Or am i wrong?
  17. Ah see that is interesting already as i find that when driving very hard i change closer to 6.5/7k and when driving around a medium pace its normaly around 4k but when general driving is probably 3k. Im guessing you have the rev up engine? i dont think mine is a rev up as its a 2005, you recon im changing gear too high? i could be first car i have had that is this powerful. one of the reasons i am asking on here actually just to generally see if i am driving it to its best caperbilities
  18. reminds me of those mouses on dragons den, that were going to be modelled on famous cars....
  19. Ah see that is interesting already as i find that when driving very hard i change closer to 6.5/7k and when driving around a medium pace its normaly around 4k but when general driving is probably 3k.
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