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Everything posted by neo-ninja

  1. apparently you would be suprised i was trying one out before and it worked suprisingly well (i have no idea how accurate the results are etc..) but i have seen on a few other forums claiming that actually they are amazingly acurate, expecially on 0-60 times etc, because now they use not only the accelerometer but also the gps etc..
  2. well now buying is a tough question, as its a game you will probably play once and never again (unless you are hardcore and want to see all the ending etc..) imho i probably woudnt buy i would rent or borrow of someone else who has bought (for me i only buy games i know i am going to want to play again and again cod etc..) (i have lovefilm so basically get all my games through them) but as i said before its a marmite game, i have friends who have loved it and others who have hated it with a passion
  3. for me it was a masterpiece of gamedesign, but its definately a marmite game. I love the way there are 5 majour endings which can span into over 20 different ones!
  4. whats going on with the last photo, very wierd looks like its made up of about 10 shots on my screen! nice zed though
  5. holly guacamoli!!! £150 new! some mods are crazy prices, i would have thought £20 would be steep lol! but each to thier own (one mans junk is another mans treasure and all that!)! never really got the whole bare carbon fibre thing. Good luck though
  6. wtf happened in the second vid? the tires wearnt even moving?!
  7. ive got a sneaky feeling someone is pranking someone else, as that is shocking!
  8. jeeze i woudl be out there in a flash if i ever saw them open thier door on my car. In annoys me watching my neighbour park her sh*twaggon at a million miles an hour next to my car!
  9. suprised you didnt have to sign an NDA or something, so do they do all the recording for all the cars?
  10. looks a bit like the 4 seater veyron they keep showing, cant find any pics of it but it was on the front cover of evo magazine not so long ago.
  11. i recently got re050 on the rears, had them for a week, and the car feels much better in the wet, and generally has much better grip. soo all in all im a happy bunny.
  12. personally i think y9our mad, as it might be nothing to do with your cableing in the door! it could be something very simple, and a garage will be able to tell you! (unless of course your are a trained merchanic with experiance in these things!)
  13. lol crazy I know. But it had already previously been written off, if i remember rightly that was also part of teh campaign the company specialises in luxuary sports cars and was trying to make a point about how anything can happen to your baby, and they will pay out... I cant find the article but i will keep looking!
  14. i read an very interesting article about that clip, and about how it was all done on purpose as the guy who actually owns the car owns lots of famous peoples written off motors and owns an insurance company and it was basically a viral marketing campaign for insurance company. i will have a search around for it.
  15. is it HPI clear? are people running tests and getting scared off?
  16. my work place has changed everyones phones from blackburrys to iphones.
  17. yes its a famous case, its call the "lion from Harrods" very long story but the documentory is amazing!
  18. i think this is one of those "letter of the law" scenarios, where you probably legally are not allowed to, however if you were stopped then you might be able to prove it and get away with it. However on the other hand you might not and all hell could break lose...car towed... you walking home...paying a fortune to get the car out of the compound etc... So i guess ask yourself how much of a risk is it, do you drive past a police station on the way, if so think again....
  19. Hows everyone got on with these? Good?
  20. my first one was a normal one from when they first came out, then i bought an elite- which was teh one that went wrong, you are right about them being much quieter though, think my brick is about the same size however.
  21. Jeeze unless you are an italia resident i wouldnt have bothered, doubt they would chase you down. (Although i could be wrong)
  22. True, Its just a Focus, and theres plenty of them on UK roads, the Zeds Rarity is priceless I'd say the Zed is far more common on the roads than the new RS. But the the RS just looks like a pimped focus... which a car that must be more then 10 years old now...
  23. hardly common as muck! 4501 MK1's were made (approx), not that many. and the limited number that will be on the road of Mk2's I didnt mean the RS, i mean the general focus, must have been a ton more then that, and i wouldnt say the rs looks all the different IMPO, but then again each to thier own. (i wouldnt buy one)
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