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Everything posted by neo-ninja

  1. its cool isnt it, I have no idea, at first i thought it might be for a game or something, but from reading up online its for a tv show...although the other stuff they have on youtube looks a bit ropey... But what i thought was cool was all the different cars in that small clip and the details! like inside the 350 were amazing!
  2. SO check this out: Hopefully not a repost but thought it looked cool, apparently the series is a lonnngggg way off, not due until late 2011
  3. yeah saw that today on pocketgamer, looks interesting!
  4. I think expecting up to 25,000 miles from a set of tyres is VERY optimisitc unless you drive it like it's a Micra. 10-15k will more realsitic for most. 25k out of a set of tyres is quite a lot!! Mine's on it's second set and the car has onlydone 18k! If they last 25k miles maybe it's time to get something slower Ok maybe im being over optamistic but i would expect 15 at the least. Thats on Bridgestones.. But then again i havent done that so i dont know, but changing every 5k is extreme i would say... However i guess this is my first performance car so i could be very wrong...
  5. jeeze 5k miles seems a bit excessive...i would expect 15-25k miles at the very least. Other cars i have had, have done 40k miles withought needing new ones... You must have nocked the tracking out for them to go that fast, or been doing some crazy drifting i would hope anyway (or that is a cost i have seriously under estimated!)
  6. with the risk of sounding thick are these illegal in the uk? or ok? and really how effective are they?
  7. oh that sucks, im hoping apple sign teh deal with adobe to get flash on the iphone, but i guess tehy dont want to do that as sales of games and apps would massivly decrease!
  8. is it really that much better?
  9. lol im yet to have any sort of challenge... No doubt teh first time i do get one i will **** it up in nervous anticipation lol!
  10. the leather would annoy me more than anything else, as that is the first thing people notice who you invite into your car...
  11. so all in all how easy are they to fit. 10 being the equivelent to taking out a household lightbulb 1 being trying to use your barefist to try and hammer in a nail...
  12. lol thats awesome, i wonder if a better way of sticking it would be with a litrtle bit of velcro.
  13. i would be interested aswell to know how hard they are to fit, also i have heard once you start taking off center dash panels the car starts to rattle more as the clips can easily get broken etc... Currently my car has no rattles and i would like to keep it that way
  14. wow thats insane! does everyone have vans to carry there stuff to events?! what is the cost of some of the larger planes?!!
  15. ah cool, didnt really think about searching wasnt sure anyone else would be that interested. But cool will do thanks. the one i have been looking at is effectively one of these but with all the kit ready for it to rock and roll: http://www.wonderlandmodels.com/product ... leShopping http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4cWI07Tf0e0 how quick are we talking for the battery RCs now?
  16. Howdy All, Soo quick question really does any one own or has owned a decent rc car, IE a Tamiya or Nitro car? Dont ask me why but i have always fancied one, (i love gadgets etc..) and just fancied having a go with one trying to pimp it and generally messing about with one. Although tbh i know i will use it once and never again does anyone have any advice? Or even one they dont want?! IM a complete begginer so anything would be good. IM thinking of buying a second hang Tamiya Gravel Hound, they look pretty cool are 4WD off road and look pretty quick too...
  17. lol i know what you mean about paranoid, but i think its also you getting used to the power every so often i think oh noo some of my horses have escaped but then i get in someone else car think ...... maybe not
  18. dont smash any windows! or cut the fabric. Not worth it. Depdning on how the car has been locked normally the AA or RAc can just pressure the door open a tad to flich the door unlockswitch with a coathanger or similar, or they just use other tools to open them. Litrally takes them like 10 mins to do. They have to warn you that worst case they will break teh window but that really is worst case.
  19. for ages i didnt have a ps3, but as soon as the 250gig slim came with the uncharted2 bundle i though f it and sold some old stuff online, sold my old n95 and before i new it i had an odd £200 bob. All in all i still prefer the 360 but the ps3 is great for the other half to play takethat signstar etc...
  20. jeeze no one? well if you want to consider yourself a hardcore gamer, consider this a modern rite of passage! Its amazing, brilliant game if you can take the brutality of it!
  21. mmm it will be interesting to see what happens but VAT is know to be a figure that changes and that is generally accepted, and as i said with the VW were were looking at they clearly said that they had no idea what would happen to VAT and teh waits were so long you could agree a price but then it would go up. However tbh what is teh difference in teh cost, like £500? they wont want to lose a deal for that so they will just sort it i imagine (although depending on what deposit you have paid) Good luck though!
  22. So was wondering if anyone here has played Demons Souls?
  23. this is very common, and they will have warned you about it, probably when you were drouling looking at the new car. This is why when the tax was cheap lots of garages after it moved offered to pay the extra in tax etc.. When my other half was looking at sciroccos they had a wait of almost a year at one point and they openly said they had no idea if the tax would be more or less...
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