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Everything posted by neo-ninja

  1. Funny as hell - unless you are kicked off the plane - but why does it then link to find-a-bike.de Hmmm I know I am going to Germany next week, but don't fancy buying a bike in Germany whilst I'm there!! I belive it started as a viral marketing piece, glad you liked it!....why not send it to a friend, or retweet
  2. Hi All, So i asked a while back about my site, if anyone would like to help etc.. and really i left it for about a year without doing anything. However i have recently decided to get back into it (when i realised even though i hadnt updated it i was getting around 400 unique visitors a month...very small but not bad considering i was doing bugger all!) So i have now massivly improved SEO and have tried to start posting content again. The site has gone through a few refreshes and redeisgns etc.. but i was really looking for some thoughts and feedback. Also as a cheeky plug if any of you are on twitter if you could retweet my lastest message about following me and getting a chance to win a copy of Scott Pilgrim on PS3. Anyway...would be great to have some coments site is here: http://www.redbandaddict.com
  3. let me know if gone, will buy
  4. that is indeed interesting. The few video reviews i have seen give the 370 a very good write up basically saying it is the 350z evolved - although most do mention that on paper its not much better...but in reality it feels and is a whole lot better.
  5. trouble is im not worried about it coming out front, more about falling in... Unless i have missed what you mean..
  6. ...and the bad news is stupidly when cleaning one of the front side reflectors i must have pushed a little too hard and it popped in (looked like its broken a clip) i managed to get it out again but it seems loose and im sure if a stone hit it it migbht pop back in. Annoyingly is the only way to get to the back of it to take off the front bumper? How much are new ones?
  7. neo-ninja


    you are mad! lol a Breitling - is like a Rolex, they hold thier value and can increae in value if they are rare. Even the cheapest are £1.5k+ The 350z watch i have seen on Ebay go for £70-£100 At this point im assuming the Breitling you didnt swop for was a fake...
  8. ah so are we coming to the conclusion a standard uk car no matter what it is wont spit flames due to the cat? And removing it makes it technically illegal?
  9. soo we think that people have modded cars then? thats a shame i was quite looking forward to one day having a fire breathing GTR Shattered dreams!
  10. oh lol dont quote me, thats what i read somewhere and it seemed to make sense at the time.
  11. Sooo... as i have said before recently i have been watching some of the "unofficial" gumball 3000 videos, and have spotted again something interesting. I know heavily tuned cars have fire coming out the exausts when changing gear at high speeds (you see on some ralley cars etc..) but on the gumball there were several Ferraris, and Nissan gtrs(new GTR) that were doing the same.... (i seem to remember reading somewhere its to do with fuel fumes that are released as you put your foot down on the clutch that are ignited as the engine kicks in again just after you change gear) My question is, is this standard when gunning it in these type of super performance cars? Or are they not standard spec cars?
  12. ah i had heard that because they hold you into the seat you therefore cant slouch and hence you back is not being strained in the wrong way. Agree? Or marketing bs?
  13. So recently i have been watching a few of the old "unofficial" gumball videos, and some are amazing! But one thing i have noticed is a.) how in another country these people dont care about being caught going 140-200 mph, secondly often they will gun away from police at those speeds and dont fear being caught.... Very odd.. But one thing i do often notice is they all have lazer jammers, are these illegal in the uk, do they work? where can you get them etc... Seems like a usefull bit of kit if they are readily available online and not illegal? Grey area?
  14. really interested in them , my back is a bit screwed, and trying to improve it by sitting properly etc. and apparently these can really help but would be interesting to see if its really worth £40
  15. lol thats what i was trying to hint at... Thats all they are arnt they a radiator cap with a fancy badge on. There is no super advanced technology or crazy cryptonite infused aluminium that makes them any better? Or is there....(i dont actually know)
  16. oh ic ic, how does that work then? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NISMO-RADIATOR-CA ... 1c1437527e
  17. surely all it is, is a metal bung with nismo written on the top, how can it have any effect on pressure?
  18. These still going? or you snapped them up Neilp?
  19. so is it true or not that is the question...im tempted to shout B*LL**** although would be great gossip if it is true
  20. yes agreed alot of people do, but just like spam mail, all it takes to make the scam work is one person. and it pays off.
  21. Ah your playing the uk version which is a shame, as mine was an import. What level are you? Are you enjoying now? or not? Some people its just too unforgiving for!
  22. Hi All, Bought the best gadget exec toy recently!! Bucky Balls! There awesome fun to play with! check out a video! loads more online, the official magnets are exspensive! but the ones i got on ebay unoffically were much cheaper
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