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Everything posted by neo-ninja

  1. so whats peoples thoughts on filters? Worth doing and getting rid of the OEM one for a new one? Or people have found no effect. Seems very cheap for something especially if people find an improvement!
  2. ah sorry i didnt mean to cause any offense was just a honest question, as quite often check out these pages, and see things going (and think to myself jeeze that costs HOW MUCH?!) ...and how is it better. But cool thanks for the explanation.
  3. so how is it better then the OEM standard?
  4. wow jeeze £450 would not have thought that something like this is that pricey....clearly im clueless..
  5. oh maybe the image was from a 370z as lookie here: http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=103&t=31681
  6. so how come it looks like from underneath it only has one pipe in comparison to a standard:
  7. quick question what tires did/ do you have?
  8. i had something very similar but worse... After 3 months of canceling my old phone and number porting to O2 i discover they still are charging me even though i number ported, and wrote the a letter to cancel etc.. When i called them up after spending hours on the phone arguing with them (they did not beleive i had number ported, and infact said it was impossible as they still owned my number) the manager in swansea told me i was lying and that i needed to go to store. This pi**ed me off royally as A.) i cant stand phone shops (staff are like volutures) B.) store staff are cretins, who are clueless most of the time. c.) I have always done everything on my phone online, took the contract online etc.. So finally i went in, caused a masive stink, told them i drove half an hour there in a 3.5 litre car and they paid me £75 for admiting they were at fault and for thier staff member on TAPE calling me a lair! But i would never go back again...
  9. let me know how you get on, as i find jean belts an be a killer for this, espcially if someone has parked tight next to you and you have to squeeze in.
  10. lol are you being serious, you get to 120 and it litrally wont go any more?
  11. no side reflectors? didnt realise that. personally not to my taste. So is mine a v1 then?
  12. Small world, i used to live right down the road from Keith in Alton.
  13. suprised about Nissan Shepperton, they are the one on the round about next to the petrol garage right? They didnt once call or email me back when i tried to book a service. They also have very ropey (over priced) looking cars on the forecourt... (from when i was looking for my zed). But interesting to hear they were good.
  14. neo-ninja


    also its not just the Zed its quite common on alot of cars, so most MOT centers see it and know what it means..
  15. yup only tried bliping when down shifting (litrally only just started but seems to make a difference) Healt to toe method makes me a tad nervous as i picture myself cocking it up and being too heavy on brake then getting confused pedals wise and before i know it im in a hedge on the middle of the roundabout lol! Maybe if i can find a quiet road to practise on i will give it a go
  16. always go back to stock, the extra bits on your car are worth nothing on it in general, (also in general people want thier own projects if they are into modding cars, so want a car they can work on) Dell the bits and get spondoolies for them, assuming of course you can swop them back for stock parts.
  17. very interesting comments, i tried today while driving bliping the gass when downchanging and it definatly makes a smoother downchange, something i didnt know.
  18. Hi All, Just been wondering if anyone has any "special" way or advice to get smooth gear changes in the Zed, Im still getting used to driving the car i would say, and now i am getting much more confident i am giving it more welly, but still find that the initial pulling away from 1st-2nd-3rd can be quite difficult to get a very smooth change. (i know the gear boxes can be cluchy when cold) I do find probably 50% of the time im bang on and its smooth but the other 50% its not. (Only when pulling away at speed) Also i know this has been asked lots before but what revs do people find the should be changing/the sweet spot to change on a stock 2005 car? Rev limiter kicks in at 6.5k but i do remember reading its actually better at around 5.5-6k
  19. im not too far, lots round this way, infact there is a GM just round the corner from me.
  20. Oh jeeze, im not sure i would do that, i did see a guide on mp3car about someone who made a normal cubby fit a screen by removing door they used some wood then painted and flecked it. Actually looked really good... But its not just a case of removing door you are left with bad gaps if you do that...
  21. ah so you to will need the new cubby you mean? The other option i have seen is that people have used a satnav cubby.
  22. Another update just discovered this is what i need to buy to get screen in and fitted....annoyingly its not too cheap... not sure if another trader on here sells but if not if you want to do any sort of in cubby screen action you need one of these: http://www.mynismo.com/products/?id=4445
  23. I have a collection of watches, i try to go for unsual watches. Varying from mid price to actually quite cheap but ones that you will rarely see. My favs are, my Rolex Oyster (a standard new shape rolex), Tokyoflash dots watch (big and unsual, looks great when going out), an original Klauss Botta Uno watch, (sleak and looks good in a suite), and last but not least my E-ink Phosphor watch (good for something different to wear on a night out) Just a selection but my favs at the mo. A watch i find tell alot about a person, and everyone should have a good watch, and a lucky watch! They dont have to be exspensive, and tbh most watches that are exspensive brands i see people wearing i would take a guess 50% are fakes. The best way t get a small disount on exspensive watched is to buy them in duty free, thats the only place you will get a vague discount on a new Rolex etc.. Personally i wouldnt buy a second hand expsensive watch (assuming its not rare), as i would feel the owner has probably most likely sold it as they have fallen on hard times...and then your going to wear it.... A good watch will last you forever, assuming its well looked after
  24. jeeze louise didnt realise the old skylines were this much spondoolies! You very rarely see them about i must admit but i wouldnt have thought when you do that they are a £10k car. (Not saying yours is overpriced, just my general lack of knowledge on them)
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