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Everything posted by neo-ninja

  1. really? ah thats interesting i thougt they did it to make sure everyone was driving with people in thier class. Ie begginers drove with other begginers, etc.. Must have made it up! Sorry
  2. I seem to remember when i was doing research into MSV you had to start with the beginner/ novice days before any of the others, as track days are completely different to driving experiences etc.. (other people on the track, over taking etc..)
  3. I am a young member, and definately a young person to be driving a 200bhp+ car, but I think its a mix of factors why you see younger people driving niceer cars. 1.) Your getting older 2.) Young people are realising that rather then spend 3k on a crap wagon then 5k over two years doing stuff to it to get an extra 10bhp, they have realised they can get finance dead easy and hence buy a 10k and pay for it over 3 years. 3.) Finance Finance Finance, bubble loans, personal loans etc.. are all dead simple to get. I bought my car out right, but when i was looking at cars i realised i could easly get a 30k new car, with a bubble load scheme pay for it over 5 years, keep it at the end if i wanted if so take a loan out on the rest, if not get rid of it and hopefully make a few bob, thats without having to put any extra money in or having any sort of finacial backup (not having to put it against a house, etc..) 4.) The scrapage scheme has got rid of lots and lots of crap cars that students etc.. would normally buy...some friends of mine were looking to do the ramshackle rally, and litrally struggled to find a crap wagon that was in budget... 5.) Imports are so easy to get hold of and so cheap, you can now get import 350zs for around 4-6k admitably they might be dogs but still your getting alot of car for the same price as a new punto... Just my 50cents (agreeing with you/ giving some other factors)
  4. Second link doesnt work for me, but sounds interesting, i think trouble is it makes it difficult to see if its really far back in the cubby dont it? Also with the lilliput screens they have the cable inputs at the sides.... so wouldnt work...i dont think... Again im by no means an expert but i did do quite a bit or research into it all..
  5. When i got my car a year or so ago, these were going for 15-17k depending on how goo nick they were in etc.. However judging from a couple of cars that arent selling on the for sale section/piston heads and are newer, with similar millage and loads of extra goodies, for around £13k downwards seems crazy... Unless there is something about them or course.
  6. thats really cool to know, makes me more confident about doing one. So are your breaks upgraded then from the Bremos?
  7. when i did research into it all, it seems dead simple only problem is you need to buy the dash that normal would host the satnav in order for the screen to be fully visable etc.. and then a new blocking pannel. Trouble is only one place still sells them and they hold a premium of around £150 which seemed like a rip off. (this is even if you have a prefacelift model) Unless you find another way....
  8. I was interested in doing that day, bit of advice i was given, was to be carefull of your breaks apparently even the bremos after a short while become over heated and start failing! When they do apparently come off staright away even if it is early in a session... Also apparently most crashes hapen believe it or not on the straight, when people **** up a gear change at the end of the straight and end up locking up the wheels for a fraction of time and hit the side barrier...
  9. mmm was very interested then read this link: http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q= ... +Kit&meta= And the bit at the end put me off....
  10. 13k! For an 07 with 30k miles on the clock and all those mods, is a bargain!
  11. is the dipstick better then the shoddy OEM one?
  12. so out of interest how much HP increase does this give? or suposed to give? Also do you have to start looking at engine rebuilds etc, when doing these kind of mods?
  13. I always wanted to do a track day but never have as am not willing to risk my only ride to work! However if you want a fantastic driving experience go to Merc World. Amazing fun, and they actually let you thrash the cars round the track, rather then most experiences where they force you to keep it in 4th or 5th
  14. So there are 2 models of the 370z? I thought they only did Semi, which gives you the option for full auto, or manual with no clutch?
  15. how very funny, my bro had one that the plate was S77 RPB
  16. im a bit suspect....you sure it wasnt you....looks a bit good for a 3yr!
  17. i didnt realise on teh 370 there was a choice, i thought it was semi all the way...
  18. so whats so special about these alloys then? Anything? or just something you like?
  19. Yes defo right, as thats why when you go to Europe techincally you need those stickers to adjust your headlights. IN some countries its actually illegal and can carrry a fine.
  20. Does the door slide into the cubby? Or just open upwards?
  21. 15k sounds like a bargain, unless prices have gone down. When i was looking it was around 12k for a 2005 40k on the clock GT + or - 1.5k for a dog or a nice nick one. Just remember however the cheaper does potentially mean they want a quick sale for a reason....
  22. the way i like to sum it up is like this: If you skid hit a curb you will crack an alloy, thats potentially like £200 to sort. Will your work pay for it?...probably no...do you get paid more then £200 a day after tax?...if so and you want to take the risk go in...if not would work sack you for a sick day? ....if not call in sick.... Or in the case of me start to "spread the fear" round work, to do that normally find teh department with the most women, normally finance...then start to email out from BB ensuring you copy them in saying how bad the snow is and how you have just seen an accident, female driver hitting a man... man going mental etc.. at the very end ask if you can get a lift from anyone.... you will soon find you have a "snow work at home day" Unfortunatly this doesnt work for me as i can walk to work! DOH!
  23. i am totally addicted! Such a simple concept and barely a game there but yet so addictive! In a way reminds me of demon souls, mixed with 3d dot heroes mixed with themepark. The fear of dying, in a 3d block world that you can build and form how you wish. You ever tried a multiplayer server? Fancy giving it a go?
  24. Hi All, Wondering if anyone here has heard of of is playing minecraft? If you dont know what it is, its quite hard to explain really you have to have someone show you but to cut a long story short its a indie game that is still in alpha and sells around 5k copies a day at £9 a pop. Anyway if anyone is playing would be cool to see what you guys have made etc.. and if you fancy setting up a mp server. Oh and again for those who dont know what it is check the video - its quite amusing in a geeky way!
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