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Everything posted by neo-ninja

  1. lol yeah you need good headphones, its hard enough when concentrating i found.
  2. Having checked the photos out like you said most seem to be Kitcars and self builds at that so i'm not surprise that 50% fail over that sort of mileage VS a Japanese manufactured car i really think you will be fine. Yeah in a future yeah i would love to do it in a kitcar, only problem is aparently most people who get them for the rally (ie they havent built them themselves) end up failing mid journey. Will be the first time a 350 has entered.
  3. most peeps are doing in Westfields! So i would have hoped a zed would be a little more comfy. Also to qualify the car has to be a two seater. On average about 50% of the cars dont make it!
  4. i was thinking it would be more scary to find yourself in some sort of dodgy torture chamber a la Hostel
  5. you mean scared from getting car jacked? Your doing country roads, and traveling alot of miles. So i wouldnt have thought it would be too much of a problem... (famous last words)
  6. If your interested: http://www.guildofmotorendurance.co.uk/ ... 0Promo.pdf
  7. I was looking at doing next years Guild of Motor Endurance rally, i would have to raise fund through sponsorship and would also raise funds for charity. But looks like something i would love to do, and i know one person who has already signed up.
  8. Hi All, I have been looking into entering some endurance rallys, and was wondering what people thought about the Zed being able to last 4500 miles over 10 days so roughly 10 hours of driving each day(450 miles a day), across country roads. I would have thought it would be fairly bullet proof especially if the car is well looked after etc.. (Been for a service before to check all levels etc..) What do you think? Any problems i would come across?
  9. damn same, really annoying actually. I loved the way he came up to you and spoke in your ear, and how you can hear others working around you. Thought it was really clever..
  10. Hi Guys, Does anyone else fancy doing one in April or May, way more space in May but fancied doing it with a few other Zeds. Let me know, Neo
  11. ah i had to stop halfway as had meeting, but will give it a blast in a bit see if its crashed. Just thought it was quite clever. Mixing audio, physical clicking and visual stuff
  12. Hi Guys. Just got sent this, you need headphones and do it at lunch so you can concentrate. But great fun! and very clever http://forsvar.fileflat.com/english/index_test.php
  13. My dad has always had nice cars, my bro got a 350z when they first came out loved it. I started driving in a Punto 20k miles a year, more or less killed it after 2 years, fancied something fuel effecient cheap to insure but also a little different test drove a Smart Roadster Coupe and absolutly loved it, loved the way it felt and handled although not the fastest car it was a great step up to a bigger car. After about 1 year and a half of having it sold to step up to my 350z and loved every moment. Only but i dont love is parking it as its wide I always worry about door dingage!
  14. Trouble is, sad to say i thought its almost worse to have a stolen car recovered as then its on the HPI checks etc and puts people off (or so it seems when you see stolen and recovered cars on autotrader they go for alot less) - might just be coincidence though (and as ususal i could be talking bs). But i agree if you have put work into the car and love it you dont want to never see it again! Catch 22 i guess! but good luck, for what ever the preferable outcome for him would be!
  15. Also on thier website i can only see the 4 people pricey days, not the larger party cheaper days
  16. ah your doing it this weekend, is it anything special or just a beggingers one again?
  17. Bumping an old thread I was considering doing one of thier cheaper £50 days, im a bit chicken for a track day as only have my Zed so if i stacked it would be in trouble but the carlimits days look like a great and really safe way to get to know your car even better as well as having some semi competative fun. Anyone else planned one? Been on one of the cheaper days?
  18. i think it might be too far out of the way but if you edit the map i can see
  19. Black or GM the only way forward! - but your right does seem odd that there arnt as many as the Sunset...
  20. What does that actually say, am i being a bit thick? (dont take this to mean it doesnt have the value your saying just not sure what its mean to say - making it more special then a normal plate)
  21. Hi All, Hopefully you can see this, if not i will paste a link but basically over the Easter 10 days off i was going to plan a little roadtrip to go see various friends and family. now what the below should enable you to do is change my route - so you can in effect direct me pass places of interest or more interesting roads to drive along. Not sure if its going to work but would be dead interesting to see what people come up with, i dont want to deviate too much from optimal path, so i dont cain too much more fuel but if there is something slight out of the way worth seeing and worth stopping off to see then point it out! If i plan to do the trip over a few days say 4 then you get an idea of how much time i have and maybe where i should stop off. Go wild! http://maps.google.co.uk/maps/ms?ie=UTF ... 590576&z=7
  22. The inbuilt one in centrafuse, or you can use the centrafuse palmpilot emulator to run tomtom fairly easily (apparently...not actually tried) The Centrafuse one is pants apparently! TomTom under emulation is too slow - I did find an excellent product though called Sygic Fleet. send me a pm for details Dude thanks for teh advice btw!
  23. yeah i have about 15 small dings in my door from my knob jocky neighbour havent tried to get them out, but just figured its a fact of life and when i get round to it will get then sorted by one of those dents away people. I have heard they can work wonders. But drives me mad, as although you cant see in most lights i still know they are there!
  24. the 306 GTI6 could do 135-140 but needed a long stretch an di think that had a smaller engine than the 206 GTI 155 isn't a difficult target for mos things with a 2,0 litre engine or more. Jeeze 155 in a 206, must be like going down a very steep hill on a push bike, so much wind in your face (through the panels,) wobbling over any bump that you just about kill yourself getting there. At least in the zed 0-130 (about the fastest i have gone) feels really firm and safe....my very first car a Fiat punto mk2 i could get to 100 but jesus getting there was scary and once you were there keeping it there was terrifying as it felt that any small bump or obstickle would send you to your grave! (i imagine a 206 is the same!)
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