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Everything posted by neo-ninja

  1. couldnt agree more, first time in a long time i have had windows right down and fun drive home, although not too fun as waiting for rear pads to bed in. Cant wait for summer to properly start!
  2. oh i see, so if the others were the otehr way around you would be able to see it. So there not suddenly going to fall off, and there not faulty pads?! Thank god for that. Lol i get dead worried about stuff like this as you cant afford to skimp on breaks and tires (or it could mean a very painfull end!)
  3. I dont think so (i will go down later and check), but what concerns me more is that it is on one side but not the other and i cant see it on the front brakes..
  4. Ah so if they are new pads, is that not a bit odd?
  5. ah interesting maybe it is point 13 on the diagram. The pads are new so should they have reset it or something?
  6. thanks for the mention (i had lots of help from guides others did on the forum, i still need to write up one myself), on my screen with full sun shining in its a little hard to see, but i need to turn everything up and just havent got round to it. I have heard it is fine once you do that
  7. So here are the pics, i have highlighted the offending part, excuse the dirt the car needs a wash. and the second image is just a comparison to the other side.
  8. ah cheers dude, i will have a look at lunch see if i can get a pic to upload.
  9. interesting, but once you start messing with this kind of stuff does it increase engine ware etc..?
  10. christ £250 a corner - no idea they were that pricey!
  11. Hi Guys, got the car serviced yesterday p2. I also had rear brake pads done. they said the car sailed through like a dream. Anyway my question is today i was looking at the rear pads (as always nervous about wheels bolts not being done up correctly etc..) and noticed that on one of the breaks it looks like there is a metal plate sticking a little bit out prob about 3-5mm looked a little odd (but not scary odd) i then checked the other side and it looks flush. i tried looking at the below link: http://www.350z-tech.com/wiki/index.php ... rake_4.jpg And i think it could be parts 12 or 14 sticking out a little - my question is is this because its not bedded in properly yet? is it anything to be concernd about and should i go back to the garage for them to check? The car seems to break fine so not really concerned there. Any help as always greatly appreciated!
  12. ah ic thanks bud - i remember from my smart roadster days a remap basically meant loading into the ecu the engine settings from the brabus engines and hey presto you effectivly had the power of a brabus tuned engine on your normal roadster - was dead cheap for the gains (from 80bhp to 110 bhp) around £100 - i never did it as didnt want to mess my insurance up. But on the Zed guess were talking quite a bit more spondoolies and i right?
  13. HI Guys, Just a quick one im putting together some proposals for sponsorship etc... again all very much up in the air. I was having a play with flash and put this together and was wondering what people thought, still very early days and ignore prices etc.. only just place holder more the concept you are looking at etc.. thought it was a slightly different way of displaying sponsorship options and prices on a website rather then great big gobs of text, then obviously you would clik on what your interested in too go see more. Anyway any feedback even if you say its gash would be good feedback, website would use similar colour scheme etc..(also url was just an idea i had tonight) http://www.redbandaddict.com/carsponsor2.html
  14. so for a noob then what is the uprev remap actually doing? Is it effectivly making it the same power as a uprev engine? (ie that comes with its negatives aswel?) Also what kind of cost are we looking at?
  15. whats the damage on both and how much power does it add? Does the zed loose much power over time?
  16. Thats what scares me...other people.... thats why i fancy a carlimits day as those are oneperson going round at once...
  17. im going to book may one, cant wait will be first track day type thing i have done. (So will probably be shockingly slow, but we shall see!)
  18. ah thats awesome you got it in,glad it helped
  19. take the misses for a weekend away then on the sunday while she is shopping you can be driving.
  20. Go on you know you want to!!
  21. Hi All, After looking at carlimits posts on the forums it sounds like a good laugh and a great way to get to know the Zed better for the chickens (like me who are a bit nervous about stacking thier car on a trackday) I was planning on booking on the May1st day, but was wondering if anyone else fancies it? For those of you who have no idea what im talking about do a quick search and you will find Wills posts about it! Neo http://www.carlimits.com/script/viewEve ... h=20110501
  22. i know my rents had this on an old car they once had, the mechanic told them that its rust and tar getting stuk on the pads and then sticking to everything else it can. He said to do either an emergency stop or pull the handbreak on slightly when driving, then once cleared you can drive like normal (obviously dont do it all the time!) But my parents did the emergency stop a couple of times and it sorted it for good!
  23. yeah im not sure if its a bit too ambitious in order to do it im going to need to raise a fair load of cash for car sponsorship etc to help fund the costs of doing it. So soon will be approaching local businesses and my company etc. Then my aim would be to match what ever i raise for my costs with money for charity via other means. So very ambitous at the moment but dead keen so fingers crossed i pull it off!
  24. ah i havent experenced problems with dodgy petrol before, what happens is it a case of damage or just not running as well?
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