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Everything posted by neo-ninja

  1. really for a 2004 uk GT spec car, with 40k miles on the clock? What kind of price do you think it should be?
  2. Everything on the first one is awful ............ including the price Didnt think price was that bad, assuming you took off front and maybe sorted doors. (And assuming its not a dog of course) unless prices have dropped massivly in 18months or so Or is there something im missing. IMHO Zeds are a bargain for all the car you are getting! and considering now some are under 8k that is an absolute steal joy blogs average would say they were worth a lot more i think.
  3. I agree, i find in very slow queing traffic it doesnt like it at all, reminds me of an auto gear box (not quite as bad) but stop starting i wouldnt say are smooth.
  4. Trouble is its hardly worth it, for the extra £5k or so you would have by the time you have bought a shed. imho im going through house buying thing at the moment. You will get another
  5. No worries I didn't really put what I was asking properly anyway I just wanted to know if it was a tablet that could be easily taken out so i could use it for other things too Another question is does the price include a retractable cubby? Nah, it'll be fixed and look like an OEM fit device, so won't be removable. It does include the cubby too, The cubbys cost about £100 separately though Thats the problem i recon you are going to have to make a mass load of them, as when i was looking at building car pcs for people i could probably get around 5 for £30-£60 from right off etc, but to get the new part from Nissan they have to import from Japan and they are £100 before you pay any inport charges or postage...
  6. Nope, god knows how they work, as interms of electric circuits etc it doesnt make sense, but they do and imho look a hell of a lot better then the drilled circles in your bumper. Any question let me know
  7. The two strips come on two sepoerate bits of metal tape, then you wind them together when you want to end it and put them into a crimp exactly as you said at the reverse light end. You can kind of see on the picture with the bumper on the floor
  8. i suspect they were trying to scaremonger! Did you take out any sort of insurance or is there so little risk it isnt worth it?
  9. errr.... Private roads, obviously lol i as after a time and place...i cant think of any roads near me that are quiet enough to do that sadly
  10. +1 It's not even really 3d it just adds depth to it, like all these picture's arnt really 3d. I will be in pressed when they can produce real 3G systems Like this demo at a gadget show http://idleparis.co.uk/wp-content/uploa ... ighter.jpg Recon its five years at least before we see that cheap enough for general consumption, but cant wait. I remember seeing 3d screens and the same 3d technology they use in teh 3ds system when i was at uni around 5 years or so ago. Back then they were just holding back releasing it because it was too pricey for general consuption and they wanted to sell more flatscreens, then more HD screens then 3d then UD (which we were learning about at Uni back then aswell, they already have the tech just holding it back)
  11. really interesting link, i have never actually done a procedure like that when getting new pads etc, i have just taken it easy for the first few days then gone on like normal. where do you find enough road to do the suggested techinque?
  12. yeah i tend to agree with you, i find at teh cinema if they arnt setup properly then its always a bit dissapointing etc..
  13. So just wondering are you guys fussed about the 3DS, have you tried one? Will you/ Have you got one? I tried one the other day and found it very straining on the eyes, but actually quite impressive!
  14. Excellent, think my mate alex is going to come along in the other mx5, if he does we will run one car with budget Tyres & one with r888's to see the difference in times I imagine my times are going to be fairly shocking, as never done anything like this in my car, but cant wait to fully go for it with a decent stretch of safe track. Although someone was saying to me at work they had heard of someone flipping thier car at Carlimits which suprised me (they werent sure it was there but when i showed them the link etc they seemed quite confident it was) can that really happen? The R8 vid surely is about as fast as you can go and they did a pretty big wipeout with no flip...
  15. Interesting dude, good luck with the project. I still need to finish setting up my carpc hopefully this weekend!
  16. ive never upgraded breaks on a car, but also tbh i never feel that the break are bad in the 350z and need upgrading - but then again i havent been on a track day I cant quite picture what better breaks would be like, you just push the pedal a little lighter each time lol?
  17. Just booked for May 1st see you peeps there
  18. personally i agree, i looked at them when i built my carpc, you can get very cheap 7" tablets from china that run android and will fit perfectly in the dash, trouble is they are a bit naff, break often, and a poor mans substitute to an ipad. But if you have managed to find one that isnt a cheap chinese one and can still put it all in for that cost then you might be on to a winner!
  19. wow jeeze thats a bargain! did not realise you would get anywhere near that many with so many people doing it on the same day. Cant wait!
  20. i tried doing a feeler thread a week or so ago, but no one seemed that interested at the time, but i guess now others have seen this thread they might be. for £50 it seems like a bargain. One thing i was going to ask though is how many goes do you actually get on the 20 people days, is it like afew attempts at each thing, or litrally one pratice one real then your done?
  21. ah as i suspected, but now i know thanks! So teh Airfuel ratio, is the omptimul (theoritical) perfect setup a horizontal line? As it seems that has smoothed out.
  22. i have to be honest now, since i have been driving i have seen alot of these graphs but what actually is it showing me...
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