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Posts posted by V88 REG

  1. ;) When ever you want Martin. Hose pipe - gives more grip if necessary between shaft and grips.


    cool il give you a shout, is this at the 'meet' location or not? i can do most days after 5pm :D

  2. Ride is improved i think you wont really notice any thing obvious, apart from cornering at higher than norm speed.

    I scrap on some spped bumps, but normal ones not really or steep drives.

    apart from that their worth the money for looks and performance. :)

  3. or just put and RS4 engine in it, that can be done, ive seen one with a corvette engine in, but again thats thousands, might as well buy a diff car with that power. :shrug:

  4. Had a dent rmoved from my silver Z and the panel beater sprayed and blended in the panel.

    On doing this there is now like a 'cloudyness' in the paint. Paint is still reflective and a very good match etc but cant seem to budge the cloudyness or marring?

    tried from less aggresive pad, to aggresive etc and tried clay right down to megs cleaner polish.


    any ideas of gettin the panels to match ? :shrug:

  5. i had a Misano red / black quattro sport b4 the Z, paint was good, but i thought all japanese cars were a bit thin on coats of paint?

    my Z has always been polished or wax'd with a PC and not noticed the paint burning or anything bad :)

  6. i dunno why, but i am as well. i dont care really but the amount of effort bbc have put in with a giant I pad and see through furniture. il give em a few more minutes. :snack:

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