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Posts posted by V88 REG

  1. Now that a few things are getting sorted, my attention turns to the bodywork of the car.

    i cant seem to find any pics of a silver 350 with (i think) a Nismo kit with the spats on the front? also a nice silver kitted one with gunmetal wheels similar to the rays would look good IMO. il keep looking but anyone find anything lets us know.

    Also just putting on some Light Fantastic DODO Juice, so far so good pics to follow. :wave:

  2. taking too much creatine or relying on it can have certain affects. you tend to retain water and because of this your body seems fuller and ur muscles seem bigger. people read too many magazines and look at models on front covers and think wow that could be me, maybe, but apart from genetics playing a role and the models not eating hardly anything a week b4 a shoot i hardly doubt they look like this everyday. taking whey protein is merley a top up and shouldnt be regarded as a meal replacement. this is what ive learned by doing my kick boxing and triathlon training.


    but each to their own :D

  3. why do people do Chest and bicep on the same day?

    when you do a back workout ur biceps are the secondary muscle being worked, so it makes sense to do the biceps after, Just like you would work your triceps after doing a chest work out. Doing shoulders should be a workout in itself as in nearly all upper body workouts your shoulders are being work too.

    If you find anything hurting then your doing it wrong, weights to heavy or your not warmed the right muscles properly.

    Also people saying about "for every push exercise, you must do a pulling exercise" what a myth!! their is no balancing out your posture, everytime you do and exercise simple steps. abs tight, shoulders back .



    also the reason that your tri's hurt after a chest workout is because your are working them hard kepping the weight in the air and under control,

    If you take suppliments then only take WHEY protein, plenty, you only need creatine if your a bloody triathlete etc doing 2-3 hours in the gym, ur body produces its own anyway. anything else?????

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