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Everything posted by Sim

  1. Looks alright, I'd want to have a really good look around it in the metal though.
  2. I'd wait until you've had a bit more sleep, you don't want to make an assembly error at this stage.
  3. Sim

    2019 Nismo Pads

    Technically the MPSS was replaced with the MPS4S although it is made in some sizes still, the MPS4 is close to MPSS and IMO the MPS4S is better than the MPSS.
  4. Looks alarm or immobiliser related?
  5. Try http://www.willtheyfit.com, put your current wheel and tyre set-up in and then change the offset to match the change made by the spacers? The spacer size will vary depending on what size and offset your current wheels have, spacers basically just change offset and increase poke. If you're using spacers, get good quality hubcentric spacers from a reputable source.
  6. I can't see anyone listed on the UPREV website for Ireland or the UK. It's a bit of a trek for you but I've always had good experience with Abbey Motorsport and take my Z down there from Leicester. I had UPREV on my 370z and then went to ECUTek a few years later.
  7. Sounds like a good call, as @davey_83 has suggested worth a try if you're happy doing it, can't be much harder than doing a headlight refurbishment which is next on my list.
  8. Wow, continuing the epic build
  9. You're correct you could blow something. Have you pulled the old Bose amp set-up? What wiring have you used for the new set-up? It sounds like you've just put new wiring in for the sub? If you've pulled all the bose stuff, you'll need to connect the the bose input cables to the correct output cables, otherwise your new head outputs won't actually get to the speakers. Its not crazy complicated, just break it down into sections but you obviously need to have a complete circuit for you to get sound out of the speakers. Hope this helps. Good luck
  10. Yup, sorry to agree with everyone else, but lacquer peel and will need a refurb, it does seem odd that it's only on one wheel though.
  11. Wow, awesome, get some pics up What are long term plans with the Supra? Is it already modded?
  12. Definitely looks like it has been extended. Time to find a Y pipe.
  13. Sim

    What Ramps

    I use some slim line plastic ramps to get my jack under, then lift and put axles stands or big ramps under. To be honest if I'm under the car for a while I set the ramps up like the pic, not my Z but you can see my S12 isn't going anywhere.
  14. As Jack94 said above, I'd get decent parts from a reputable trader, if they fail you end up doing the job twice, might as well buy once and get something that will last as least as well as the OEM part.
  15. Bottle looks like an oil bottle It's a no from me....
  16. Sim

    Uprated Boot Poppers

    Maybe my OCD kicked in on the panel gaps, it's opening the gap between bootlid and the lights by 3 or 4mm, a bit more higher up but it's hard to measure. I'm hoping the softer springs work, he's said I should get them in a couple of weeks.
  17. Sim

    Uprated Boot Poppers

    What year is your car? The uprated Nissan ones were fitted on later cars anyway, I can't remember the date. As per my other post, I've accepted the offer of trying softer springs, so I'll let you know how it goes.
  18. Sim

    Uprated Boot Poppers

    Update2: So the guy has been very helpful at OpenTop. I've explained the issue, sent some pictures and he's offered to supply slightly softer and lighter spring. He did say the springs he's supplied will easy off but I'm not keen on the idea of flexing my boot to soften the new springs. I've accepted the offer of some softer springs as my boot has stopped working again on the nissan poppers. If the new Opentop springs don't work, I'll jusy buy another set of the uprated nissan ones as they won't have been subjected to the boot weight like my old ones.# I'll update again soon.
  19. Sim

    Uprated Boot Poppers

    As per my edited first post, mine arrived yesterday and aren't any use, they do fit, but only sort of. The spring doesn't compress enough and forces the boot up,although you can get it to close, it's actually deforming the boot lid. If either of you haven't already done so, remove the bootlid weight and just get the Nissan up rated poppers, as my boot works fine now, I have a bigger wing and I also fittted uprated gas struts.
  20. PS. Definitely the cyclists fault.
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