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Everything posted by Sim

  1. If it's any help I've got Stillen ones on mine that I bought from Tarmac. I was amazed by how much extra grip/feel/stability that it gives the front end at speed, does cost a little bit of drag/top end but totally worth it IMO.
  2. I just bought a set of 265/35/19 and 285/35/19 for the mkii nismo wheels on my wife's 370Z roadster, grip and drive are great. And as pointed out above, I got them from tyreleader, it was about £900 in total, but we both think it's worth it. I run the same front and a 305 on my nismo mkii rears, copes very well with the extra power.
  3. As per this post, it could be deposits on the discs. Have you tried bedding the discs in again, sometimes that is enough to shift the deposits.
  4. Sim

    AMS GT Kit 350z

    I'd guess @Adrian@TORQEN could sort you out with that kit? But I also guess it would be a real one and not a copy, I can't see that one being legit at £750 for the whole kit.
  5. If you go with an early 370Z, the gallery gasket is still an issue pre 2012. When we bought my wifes 370z roadster, I took the decision to do the gallery gasket and clutch, slave etc for piece of mind, so the more history you get with the car the better.
  6. As others have said, looks great and great price, win win Enjoy the empty roads.....
  7. I just tried it now and it's working fine.
  8. I just tried to get here via 370z-uk.com and get a bad gateway message?
  9. Looking forward to seeing the progress on this, if it's anything like the 350Z it will be epic
  10. I started with UPRev, then went to ECUTek for a few years and then went over to the bluetooth version. Although it seems steep, I can confirm it's well worth it, I'm pretty sure the ECUtec dongle one will have been developed specifically for them. I guess part of the cost is quality of the processor and the resulting speed that means you can datalog etc., A lot of the cheap readers only do very basic things, some won't even clear DTCs properly, I've had a couple of ebay specials as well that I use on other cars and vans. Mine was done by Mark @ Abbey and I can recommend their custom traction control as well.
  11. Just thought I'd update, as I finally got round to wrapping the wings to match the bonnet but with a slightly more subtle faded version of the same print. Pulse Signs in Coalville did it again and I'm very happy with it.
  12. Engine: Custom mounts, custom prop, custom gbox mount/crossmember. Pipe might be a bit loud but can always put a mid-box in.
  13. Rear: Z31T shafts, stubs and companion flanges, KaaZ 2 way lsd in stock R200 longnose housing, BC damper and adjustable perch kit. KMAC adjustable camber bushes in the trailing arms and Z31 poly bushes in subframe Twin S12 calipers, so hydro is on a separate circuit.
  14. Sorry for the delayed update, but it's well under way being put back together now with Mark and the team at Abbey Motorsport. Front end, S13/S14/Japspeed adjustable LCA and Tension Rods, stock rack with delrin bushes from one of the S12 specialists in the USA, BC coilovers, S13 brakes which are enough to lock the front.
  15. Wow, that is epic, love the position and style.
  16. Good thing about this, is that you can't break them so easily on hard things Cars looking great btw
  17. You could just get UK battery terminals and fit them, easy to fit UK battery then.
  18. It's pretty straight forward, just different ways of measuring Octane ratings. Clearly says put the correct Octane in to avoid engine damage from knock......
  19. Sorry, no offence was intended and I was definitely not being big headed, I didn't do mine, Abbey Motorsports did it as it's way beyond me and a blown motor is not something I'd want. I'm all for having a go on jobs, I took me nearly all last saturday to fix the plumbing on our kitchen sink and I ended up putting local isolators in as well as new drain/overflow etc as it was minging, and I got the new mixer tap on as well, all probably could have been done is a couple of hours by a professional but a little bit of water downstairs if I has messed it up is way cheaper to fix than an engine. Hopefully @nissanman312 has sent you some pictures by now showing the info you need. As I said, it will be great when it's done
  20. They have to make a living like everyone else......... And to be fair they all give lots of free, helpful information. Like don't do big jobs on your car if you aren't sure what you're doing Sorry couldn't resist... In all seriousness @nissanman312 does have the same kit on his car, he had some pro help with his install though.... Good luck, it's worth it in the end. PS. Get the tune done by a pro and make sure you have all the correct ancillary mods to the fuel and lubrication system.
  21. I visited her at the bodyshop
  22. Sorry for late reply been working away. They were about the same cost as the Remflex but I had to.send patterns. So it's the 2 bolt round/oval one, it would be cheaper for you to buy the Remflex one.
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