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Everything posted by Simon+Kat

  1. Gee thanks guys, sounds fruity, but i'm really touched by the comments guys. I feel less of a nob now, but believe me i will deffo learn from this and hope nobody else has a worse experience than mine this winter
  2. Well i suppose it was enevetable really...for a nob like me at least! I've trashed our baby, well, the back end anyway. Yesterday i nipped to B&Q for some plaster, coming back i pulled away from the lights which are on a roundabout, exited the roundabout onto a 2 lane straight. Thinking 'yeah baby, ESP is so cool for winter driving' i gassed it at about 30 mph before i was straightened up, the back twiched out big time i thought id saved it but must have over compensated, back end came out the other way and then back again! I then rolled to a halt on the grass bank. I looked around, everything seemed normal, no injuries apparent. So i got out just to give it a quick check over. What i hadn't realised, is that in that frantic 5 seconds the back had twatted a tree or big bush at the side of the road.......bumper hanging off, boot lid dinged, rear N/S dented in, both rear light clusters gone and new Scorpion exhaust exits both dinged. Gulp... Luckily i was only about a mile from home so i drove home, after checking nothing would fall off. I Thought Kat would be fuming but, bless her the little honey, she was very sympathetic. What an amazing missus she is, i'm very lucky. We've decided to use the insurance as we are fully comp with protected no claims, they came and took it away this morning. I'm just hoping they repair and don't write it off, which they do so often these days. I love that car. It's really made me think though... i feel sick when i think 'what if someone else had been around?'. I need to grow up i think. And...dont think you can rely on the ESP to save your neck...
  3. Have you considered matt or satin black?
  4. I'm in exactly the same boat mate, the missus has got her priorities all wrong! and i don't want to risk withdrawl of 'services' he he
  5. I wonder how much i save filling up from empty? What have you got against two wheels anyway?.....''Four wheels good, two wheels bad''.....is it 'cos a 15 year old, 600cc, £1500 bike could still embarrass a Z away from the lights?
  6. im selling my nitrous set up 10lb bottle 75 shot injector Zex machine gun purge kit x2 bottle warmer Remote bottle opener Window and Rpm swich Dyno tune multi switch controller I also bought a second 10lb bottle a couple of months ago that i will be throwing in with the sale £950 + postage Got any power figures for this kit?
  7. Simon+Kat

    big bore

    hi everybody, I've seen loads of stuff on here about F.I. but does any one run a significant increased capacity? I've tried all sorts in the search box but had no results. I wondered if there is a kit available. Cheers.
  8. looks cool and v. clean (wont last!) and those wheels just suck the light in dont they...4 mini black holes!
  9. i was in the same boat, 13 hrs slog! and the boss expected more output...nob!
  10. Thats good news, but Eurosport has shown a lot of the MotoGP / Moto2 / 125s coverage in HD for quite a while now, plus practice and qualifying. The commentry is 10x better as well
  11. Simon+Kat

    tyre size

    Have DP motorsport got a bad rep then?
  12. I've got one Rog, i just fitted a Scorpion, so my OEM box is available.
  13. Hi Jammo, good to see another Pompy lad on here! Mine reads at about 27 mpg at 90mph. I just put some cheap Maxxis tyres on the rear for the time being, and they actually seem rather good! Better than my worn Potenzas anyway and they are supposed to be a good choice, and they were £75 plus v.a.t. I think. Don't know about roofrack fitment, but you'd be surprised how much fits in the boot, specialy if you dont use rigid suitcases, we got all our stuff for a 2 week holiday in the boot with ease. I bought mine just after the Big Snow this year so can't comment, but i remember a few people saying they struggled. Hope this helps mate, if you need to have a look at a Z up close, send me a private message, if i'm free, your welcome to come look.
  14. Yep Paul. it will begin to contract again but bont worry it wont start for about 28 billion years!!!! As for your super light speed car, the speed of light is always relative to your point of view, so the light would beam from your headlights at the speed of light, relative to you, the driver, no matter what speed you travel at. Its unlikly that youll be able to try it though, 'cos as you approach the speed of light you need to use more and more energy for smaller gains, and to actually reach lightspeed you need an INFINATE amount of energy...... even forced induction wont help then
  15. I thought the size of the universe was finite, after all it started with the 'Big bang'....i.e from a single point smaller than a single atom, and expanded from there. Mr Hawking just told me it expanded to the size of an orange in less than a trillianth of a second....and within 100 seconds it was as big as our Solar system (trillions of miles across). so it's size has changed constantly ever since, proof of which is the red Dopplar shift observed on every visible galaxy, meaninig they are moving away from us, i.e. its expanding. Its not expanding into anything though 'cos Spacetime doesn't exist outside of the Universe..................apparently!
  16. Anyone think it has a bit of XJ220 in it? http://www.thesupercars.org/jaguar/jagu ... super-car/
  17. Are these any good? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Kinetix- ... ccessories Has any one here fitted one? Performance gains? negate the need for a spacer? Cheers
  18. Good tip! i have looked in my local halfords, but they have a very poor display of double dins. But i'll keep my eyes open, ta.
  19. Bummer! i was watching a Pioneer AVIC-920BT H/U on fleabay, brand new- £650 buy now price, which seemed really good. I was gonna order it tonight after a day out in Brighton with my missus, got back, logged on.........it's gone! Other posts for that model have it at about £850 - £950, aaaaaaaagghhhh! Sometimes i guess you have to just go for it, not dither around. Lesson learnt.
  20. It's ok, it's warm out (you can tell from the t shirt) people dont crash when it's warm!
  21. i could literally feel my heart rate increase the higher he went and the skinnier the tower became
  22. Mate at work had one....pain/pleasure evenly balanced so he says. On the other hand i've had my '05 R1 for about 18 months, and it has been honestly nothing but pleasure . Does all i want, wheelies like a b*%tard; soooo flickable for a litre bike; comfy on a long journey (Nurburgring and back in a weekend); and very very well made, like a Honda but sexier! Simon.
  23. Thanks very much, i feel a bit more confident in giving it a try now. Thanks for the tip about ICT aswell. I'll let you know how i progress. Simon.
  24. Cheers BulletMagnet, i might give it a try if you think it's fairly straight forward then. Thanks for the offer of help aswell but i live on the southcoast so its a bit far. Did you keep the stock Bose speakers/sub/amp? and are you happy with the sound quality? Cheers, Simon.
  25. Cheers for the info lads, appreciate it. I'll maybe msg IIRC BulletMagnet for his opinion.
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