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Everything posted by rog518

  1. Paul dropped by after you had seen it and said it was a bit of a howler so welldone for walking away! The right zed is out there waiting for you so keep looking and keep viewing and you will be glad you waited.
  2. I was only thinking about this the other day! Looks good
  3. Welcome and dont worry about the ex she would of only ditched you anyway as you are now going to spend every weekend cleaning and driving your lovely new zed! Lovin' the 914 too
  4. someones watching rude tube!!
  5. And she will be worth a million times more......as long as she stays away from the car!!!
  6. Not that i'm admitting to be a chav in any way before you all start but I used to do this with my mates and a mountain bike! was great fun watching people trying to get on and off a roundabout going round at high speed!
  7. Been with them for ages now and always been cheaper than others. I have my sister and my mum on my zed insurance (even tho they will never drive it! ) Which brings the insurance down even more Not sure if you have this option but worth a try
  8. ROG518 My name is Roger ..E is the 5th letter in the alphabet R is 18th = Rog518 its my ideal private number plate but never been able to find it!
  9. What Ekona said! beat me to it!!
  10. Whats your budget? If you can stretch abit go for some PIAA wipers they are great! Check out chilli reds site and Sarah will be able to sort you out some i'm sure
  11. I started creating one of those around a lampost at my sisters this afternoon and was promptly told to stop right this minute especially as I had drafted in my 3yr old niece to help collect the snow!!
  12. Welcome along Best place you will ever visit for all your zed needs!
  13. geoler: best thing for an s-max although my boss has one for the school run and its well nice,top of the range sports pack etc. Cragus: Yep just ordered mine on the group buy too thanks to my girlfriend offering to buy it for my xmas pressie
  14. And next year you can ask for a megs G-220 DA polisher and some ultimate compound!
  15. I took an ex girlfriend out for her bday once to Chiquitos and on arrival we were asked to wait for a table and were pointed in the direction of the bar. I orded a beer and she had a cocktail to which we were both asked for id! She produced hers 21yrs old at the time but I only had my paper driving license on me which showed I was 25! " sorry sir we cant serve you as you have no photo id" came from the spotty 18yr old behind the bar! I argued for 10mins saying I am older than you and all I want is a beer with my meal but he stood his ground and the manager backed him so I left without food and went to another restaurant. Anyway Wrote a snotty letter to head office and got a £50 voucher for a meal and upon return were treated like royalty. Job Done
  16. ChrisS nice pond mate Time to cut back those plants for winter! Snow sucks and working on ponds like yours in that condition is no fun so im praying for no white stuff down in Bognor this year!
  17. Cheers guys I have some in the van I use for sealing pressure filters but for anyone else reading this use only a little as the stuff gets everywhere and can stain your clothes!
  18. Yep +1 on them being frozen. mine did the same this morn. I did try them and they didnt work so left them and tried again on the way home after a while of driving and worked fine and are now safely shut
  19. Sorry to keep the off topic subject going but is the silicone gel the same as silicone grease used by plumbers? and does it stop the windows from freezing/sticking?
  20. Just to cover what everyone else has said about the seminar really. Had a great day and was good to put some more names to faces. Thanks Tim for getting this sorted and to all for turning out in the snow it was defo worth the journey up. Hope to see you all at goodwood and as I only live 6miles away it will be me having the lay-in next weekend! Rog P.s The DA is firmly on the xmas list and after comparing rear lights in the convoy a set of rear LEDs are on there too!!
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