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Everything posted by rog518

  1. yep do it! does depend on weather a bit so needs some sense of flexibility but great experience.
  2. Lovely set ups you guys have there. Also after a marine tank in the future but as i work in the aquatic maintenace game the last thing i want to do when i get home is more cleaning!! maybe one day when i actually get time to sit back and enjoy it.
  3. Looking very nice! Good days work there
  4. Cheers bounty78 you have just answered my next question about the birdview not doing postcodes! it is pretty rubbish but dont really use it so not worth changing right now. Thanks for the response will try and whip it off and see what happends
  5. Hiya, I have a birdview satnav in my GT and the previous owner put the remote control holder on the centre console rear cubby nearest the drivers seat! I keep hitting my elbow on it and is becoming very annoying Does anyone know how the holders are attached? cant see any screws and thought i'd ask before I try and yank it off breaking the cubby lid! Cheers Rog
  6. Azure blue Zed at the edenbridge vintage motor show on Saturday 19th june end of the row in the carpark. Private reg V## DAB Left before I could flyer.
  7. Has to be a bit of Hocus pocus by Focus! I first heard this drunk when a mate played me it when I lived in Denmark. Quite amusing after a few pints! Thanx to Nike for reminding me of good times Got the new ironman AC/DC cd in the Zed tho.
  8. Great job also spent a long time doing mine at the weekend but its well worth the hassle when you turn heads driving it about!
  9. Thanks for the comments everyone! Really happy with the car and defo brings a big smile to my face whenever i'm in it Got the inside hoovered and washed and the exaust polished today so all set for some cruising in the sun.
  10. Hi everyone, Been around for a little while and finally got my new Zed a month ago but due to going out and getting drunk and working havent had the time to clean it untill now! Spent 4hrs putting on my spacers (thanks CS) and while I was there cleaned the wheels,calipers and arches. Then spent 10hrs yesterday washing,clay bar-ing,polishing and waxing! Finished just in time for the game. The previous owner hardly ever cleaned it so took some doing but here are the results. Also fitted a stubby (to prevent the obvious comments) and some nice new mats (thanks Alex) and in a couple of weeks fitting the new axle kit also from Alex to do away with the dreaded clicking! I have some clear reflectors to go on (thanks Sarah) but realised mine are smoked not the orange so unsure at the mo! Anyway thank you to everyone that has helped along the way and look forward to meeting some of you at some meets in the future Rog
  11. I used to use Mer all the time and never had a problem but like 350ash found out that this forum throws up a lot of advice. My boss uses collinite 476s on his Vinci grey FIAT LE and he swears by it so got myself a pot and had good intentions to blitz the car ( 54 sunset GT 3 weeks old) for the first time on sat but spent 5hrs cleaning my wheels,arches and calipers aswell as fitting my new spacers so didnt get the chance and cant give you an answer on what its like i'm affraid.
  12. I feel your pain! Last year shovelling out sharp sand from a bulk bag the side flicked up and got a load in my eye,Rub rub no worries untill the middle of the night woke up in so much pain.I couldnt see, couldnt open my eye, couldnt close my eye so had to call my mum to come and take me to A&E. Anesthetic drops in the eye and a pint of saleen plus a cotton bud stuck in there to remove sand and I was done! Blurred vision for 2 days just to add to the list! Oh and I did this 2 more times in 6mths!!!! Where did you get your glasses from?!
  13. Great thanks,dont like removing things without knowing what they are and what might fall off!
  14. I have just fitted my new spacers, well half of them! I started with the back no problems at all but just gone to put the front on and there is a gold nut on the end of a metal "stalk" inbetween the wheel bolts so the spacer wont fit on? What do I do? Any help gratefull as need to get these on asap and no guide about this. Thanks Rog
  15. Try admiral mate I have been with them ages with my pug quiksilver Got alot of no claims but just got qoute on 54 gt at just over 400 quid! Phone them direct too as cheaper than online. That was fully comp protected with my mum and sister on (not they will ever get behind the wheel!!
  16. cheers cs will be in touch for some spacers as soon as poss
  17. Thanks guys Puts my mind at rest ChrisS I like that alot, also seen a few carbon fibre covers so may keep my options open!
  18. Hi everyone,Finally got a client of mine to sell his zed and after a nice 45min test drive I agreed to buy which i'm over the moon about! But.. Yeah here comes the but In my haste and excitement to buy the car I may have overseen a few things so need some reasurance please that I have made the right decission. Its a 54 gt in sunset with only 19k on clock. Just had service and mot with new falken ze912 tyres fitted to front. I got the guy down to £11200 from where he wouldnt budge. A few things that are bugging me are Passenger vanity mirror is broken (stealer says its a whole visor job at £287!) rear strut brace cover is scratched bad (£120) and the rays are starting to go.also has the clicking noise(cv?) which service hasnt picked up so he says nothing wrong! Apart from that the paintwork is spotless and everything else is fine. Only found out costs of mirror etc after we agreed price and thinking is this worth going back to him and re-haggling or have I still got a good deal? Any thoughts would be great as its now eating away at me. would get a pic up but cant seem to get it out from my photo gallery ! Cheers Rog
  19. Always wanted to bulk up seriously. Played rugby from 7-19 then dislocated my shoulder and had to give it up! Was always fit at school but then found the pub and a car Been a member of all the usual gyms but couldnt get motivated as they were always rammed. Joined a good old fashioned spit and sawdust gym last year and got some real motivation from the owner who is an award winning body builder but it had real bad opening times and as I work from 7.30am to sometimes gone 9pm in the summer had to jack it in! Dont know how you guys get the time. Now I just stick to the Arnie encyclopedia of bodybuilding!!
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