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Everything posted by davy80

  1. davy80


    when the cars go on the ships to be brought over here the petrol and oil has to be drained for safety incase of fire and if there are 100s of motors filled then you can imagine the mess lol. thanks for the advice guys, take delivery on the 23rd october cant bloody wait as i drive a mk4 golf gti so think this is a mighty jump lol.
  2. davy80


    hey guys my 350z is arriving 23/10/09 but i have to put oil in her as im pickin her up from the boat, what is the best oil to use? not wantin to spend mega bucks but at same time dont wanna put no crap in my new baby lol.
  3. cheers for the welcome guys, ill be a true member when my car arrives l
  4. Im from belfast Northern Ireland. do they come standard with brembo front brakes?
  5. Hey people i have just ordered my 350z from japan and should be here in the next month can anyone give me some advice on these motors and its also my first real performace car. i have one with 38000 miles in gun metal grey and totally standard. so excited feel like a kid on xmas lol.
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