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350 Russ

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Everything posted by 350 Russ

  1. Celebrity big brother this year was decent!
  2. I can't wait until all the lannisters die, apart from Tyrian he's one of my favourite characters. Before anyone screams at me "spoiler!!!" I don't know if they do I'm just hoping they do. Also Sansa stark is bang tidy!
  3. It should need tyres every month if driven properly
  4. You get what you pay for, I learnt that the hard way
  5. Took the words right out of my mouth! What a fool. Still getting an R8 on £1700 a month he mustn't be able to buy anything let alone run it and maintain it Why would you say that? He's 23, lives at home and probably has no kids. How much petrol can you get through for £1,700 a month?? I do love the pathetic journalism though......"Convertible"? Is it really?? It's not just petrol how much would the insurance be? Tyres, servicing etc etc. Saying that's though it says only used the money for the deposit so prob didn't buy it outright. It's a different mindset i suppose when I was 23 I wasn't concerned with owning a property either
  6. City of god Layer Cake Forrest Gump Daniel Craig Morgan Freeman Amber heard
  7. Took the words right out of my mouth! What a fool. Still getting an R8 on £1700 a month he mustn't be able to buy anything let alone run it and maintain it
  8. Thanks mate. I'm really chuffed with it. I wasn't too sure how I would feel about it but I'm happy I did it now. I don't do too many miles in my zed so fingers crossed it holds up well
  9. i use to. took myself off FB about 6 months ago and i don't miss it a bit, Twitter is miles better IMO
  10. Also what on earth happened to mclaren?? Button was having a fantastic race until the safety car and then plummeted.
  11. small update as its been about a month since the last one , i wired up another cigarette lighter to sit behind the cubby so i could power a sat nav with the conventional plug and not having to cut it off, total plug and play so if i want a different one i can just take this one out and fit a new model. the lid closes so you can't see it, i should take a more recent photo now i have sprayed the blanking panel black. The spoiler is still ongoing, its taking so much longer that i anticipated. i had to cut a slot out of the back to reinforce the inside of the top to stop it flexing in places as a lot of material was removed to make it flat again. so heres how the back looks now, all back together and flat again. just the top to finish now excuse the mess.
  12. "also covering in vaseline" - the battery terminals, not yourself. well it is the weekend!!
  13. It will be a loose connection on your battery, mine did it for a while a couple of years back. Try taking them off, cleaning them up if dirty or corroded and then refit and tighten up. Also covering in Vaseline will help.
  14. i see maldonado hasn't improved at all.
  15. really sorry to hear this. my thought go out to you and the family.
  16. So far judging on pics I'm not really a fan. I'll reserve judgment until I see one in the flesh, I preferred the C6
  17. See hes not in a ditch either and hes not on MPSS Give it a rest it's getting boring. As someone said above try hankooks, I'm running the k110 all round and I like them, on my second set now. I don't track the car and I can't find their limit on the road so they work well for me
  18. It worked out for me that i would be paid £80 a day, plus a rate for mileage/parking/public transport, also get lunch provided. If i was to get called up now i couldn't get by on what they pay.
  19. most kind of you to offer but no need now Called Horsham developments and the guy said to actually open up the key fob... and hey presto somehow one of the wires had come loose soldered it up, it worked, and then a 10 minute victory dance followed! thanks h-dev :teeth: Result!! Look on eBay for spares though incase you lose one, not alot of money and can be programmed yourself easily.
  20. I've already done it once, only lasted for 2 weeks and had 2 trials. Really horrible ones that I wished I hadn't had to sit through. One was guilty and one was innocent so saw both sides of it. For the chap who was innocent he was standing outside the court thanking us all when we walked out and on the guilty one I had to walk past the family of the defendant who had just been sent down for 5 years which was unnerving. We were delegating for 2 days! It was worse than watching paint dry. Still fingers crossed I never get called up again. Whilst I was on the jury there was another trial which was taking place that lasted 2 hours then was thrown out. A chap was accused of stealing a box of kitkats and when he appeared at magistrates he asked for it to been seen at crown and defended himself and then told them he wasn't there that day and the CCTV showed it wasn't him, one way of getting your own back for no doubt alot of hassle and aggregation from police etc.That jury got the rest of the week off and paid. Not jealous much!
  21. I bought a few spares for mine when I got the car, presuming you have a cobra immobiliser like me, when I got them I got instructions on how to programme them, I'll dig them out when I get in and send them over to you if you like
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