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350 Russ

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Everything posted by 350 Russ

  1. I totally agree, I had mine off at the weekend
  2. yeah there tough, it should just be a bolt. Hatful things. Its supposed to be a 90 degree turn and thats that.
  3. do you mean the 4 or 5 white ones that go on the horizontal part where the boot latch is? I just had to man handle it to get them back in. a bit of force doesn't go a miss,
  4. good work on getting one so young! Also don't forget about only super-unleaded.
  5. lots of trouble! hated them. took ages to get mine fitted properly
  6. that poor beemer, id hate to see the stone chips on it now. i wonder if there is a perfect outline where she was standing that doesn't have a mark on it?
  7. I've got a full genuine set you can have for £120 delivered they have been sprayed silver but never fitted, if your interested pm me
  8. my moneys going on leaving a phone unattended.
  9. so is it not just the car scene? Its just bell ends in powerful cars who think there in fast and furious regardless of location
  10. when one of the lads was walking towards the car with what looked like a bat i thought it was going to get messy
  11. this has been my day today. All tucked up
  12. I can't put my finger on why, but I like that
  13. During the Ivory Coast game one of there lads in midfield, die, was crying his eyes out during the national anthem, he lost his dad 2 hours before kick off, poor man
  14. hope this helps http://www.its.co.uk/pd/5250-BLS-Full-Face-Mask-With-Filters-_BLS5250.htm
  15. 350 Russ

    Mini GTR

    Just look at the ride height :scare:
  16. i shall be looking into this myself i think.
  17. I ve got no probs with no being insured to drive, it makes sense i can't drive anyway but to say they won't cover me to have the car on the drive incase the wind picks up and a roof tile falls on it, or it gets stolen etc. and also take half my £800 premium for one months cover, its just got on my t*ts. Appreciate the get well though, thanks.
  18. aswell as the **** nav the radio being in different frequency also if its like the zed the keys work on different frequencies so can't get spares if one breaks, it drives me nuts in my zed so id rather pay the extra to get a uk one.
  19. I have just sent a message on here to them to request in writing that I'm uninsurable. Thanks for the help .
  20. allegedly not. I've been through this twice with them, its easier talking to the cat. All i got back was a nonchalant attitude, "sorry theres nothing I can do" complete c****
  21. If i remember correctly there isn't one
  22. just gave them a call, and as i have no driving licence they said that they cannot insure the car to even just sit on the drive just incase of some event that require a claim, fire, theft, damage etc. So now i have to send all my certificates in and get shafted for £400, to any members that are insured with sky insurance (a trader on here) id seriously look into who you renew with. I know for a fact that they will never be getting another penny out me other tha the amount that I've been shafted for already. at least dick turpin wore a mask
  23. i went to wings and wheels last year at dunsfold aerodrome and was pretty much cancelled apart from the helicopters due to bad weather, I've been looking forward to this ever since.
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