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350 Russ

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Everything posted by 350 Russ

  1. Looking at the mileage on it Russ, maybe Ricey is spot on at £6k, but its not for sale.... :scare: I'm just going by the fact its a gt4 and that history aswell as the overall condition which looks good. anything is for sale at the right price
  2. I'm going with about 6.5k ish. looks nice and tidy though. That service history is like war and peace
  3. 350 Russ


    That 5 series scraping the speed hump in the first video at 37secs.
  4. the prob with the TI is they run a large degree of camber on the rear so they go through tyres is about 10k i think. I own a 156 and in 18 months and about 15k I've only had a cam position sensor go which cost about £500 just because it was behind the cam belt. its been a lovely car otherwise though.
  5. is anyone still going? weather isn't looking too clever for an air show but fingers crossed it all goes ahead as planned.
  6. absolutely shocking R.I.P to the people who lost there lives. Allegedly the papers tomorrow are going with front pages saying it was a Russian missile.
  7. Remind me never to ask you for your help if I rebuild an engine. Its a standard thing when working on cars, always 1 small part left over after. A man who says otherwise is a liar!
  8. I suspect the Zed will struggle to get that kind of power down on the Rays unless I go 888. I think that clark motorsport are selling diffs for higher power boosted zeds if that could be an avenue to look down.
  9. if you can get a rb26 or a 2jz in a Zed/s15 thats 6 cylinders long why cant you get a v10 thats only 5 cylinders long Very true, good shout
  10. With the S15 did they have to cut away the bulkhead? That's the only way I can see it fitting personally
  11. 350 Russ


    By far the best looking one here! How much of a drop is on that?
  12. +1 i fitted mine last week and the only problem i had was that my P clip holes weren't big enough to fit the bolt through, so i drilled it out a little bit and job done. They should look like the red ones in post number 3 when done correctly. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/66514-zed-leppelin-custom-oil-catch-can-complete-june-5th/
  13. I booked my tickets on Sunday, fingers crossed the weather holds off
  14. Messi winning player of the tournament is a poor decision IMO, he's looked bang average in a lot of games and drifted in and out. I think it's a "sorry we didn't give you the ballon d'or this year" make up
  15. I don't think he's playing with his head at the moment and getting too pumped up with emotion and trying his hardest to impress. this is why jose didn't play him in defence.
  16. He still has a transfer fee after the other night??
  17. I fitted my braided lines last week and used a similar unit to the one previously listed. and it worked a treat. Just a word of advice don't let the reservoir run dry or your going to be pulling air through and then your hair out.
  18. I'm holding off buying tickets until mid next week to get a more accurate weather forecast.
  19. It was his liberal and level headed views on joiners, plumbers and the disabled that I miss! That one about tradesmen really got on my nerves especially as he worked 2 days a week at the NHS for 40k a year etc then going around saying tradesmen shouldn't get x amount
  20. Ive only just seen this. WITCHCRAFT!!!!
  21. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/56907-gtspec-group-buy-ordering-details/ I purchased one of these kits from tarmac years ago and never got around to fitting it. Has any one else fitted theirs and how hard did they find it? does anyone know of a DIY fitting guide. Any help would be appreciated.
  22. This is taking an eternity Never did i think it would take this long. were getting there though, the top is starting to get close to being 'Flat'.
  23. i had a sheared bolt in one of my coil pack from when i purchased my zed, it lasted for about 4 years and not a single bit of trouble it wasn't wedged in or anything just sitting there with the resistance against the plug to hold it in, I had to change the cam cover due to an oil leak at christmas so bolted it back in properly then and its still fine, so it being an earthing fault isn't the case I'm afraid. the cover itself is about £250 including a new gasket and its just plastic so it will be easier and a lot cheaper to replace that than to attempt to drill it out.
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