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350 Russ

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Everything posted by 350 Russ

  1. Gotta be quick round here the vultures are always circling your not joking!
  2. have the collies sold yet? I've got cash here waiting.
  3. Why are you watching it? its just there to feed cowells ego.
  4. I never fitted them - I think it was supposed to be 6K - no oil leaks seals appear good and they are dibed sorry. If it falls through then second dibs please.
  5. how many miles are on the teins? how are the oil seals, no leakage etc,. thanks
  6. Because everything on the net is true, http://www.sacredmysteries.com/public/300_2.cfm http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/mh370-diego-garcia-united-states-3402879
  7. I've had 2 sets on my zed over the years, I've never had a problem, really good grip in the dry but can get a bit twitchy in the wet if being driven a quickly. There quite a soft compound so don't expect massive life out of them but other than that I like them.
  8. can you give us a bit more to go on so we can try and google it.
  9. the only advice i can give is stay away from the building industry, Im a plumber and hate it. Hope you find something you can enjoy.
  10. So today I made the decision to ruin my geometry! I had an early dart from work and decided to get the zed unwrapped and get my hands dirty, oh the fun. Ive had the full set of GT Spec underbody braces waiting to go on for way too long so it was time to make a start on getting them fitted. I only managed to get the rear lower tie arm on as i ran out of time and getting the nuts off was a bas****. Heres how it looks fitted. whilst down there i also changed the oil in my diff as it hadn't been done since id owned the car. t'was very dirty. Only 257 days until I can drive her again
  11. New episode got posted up yesterday, Number 7 now.
  12. Still running 8.0.1 fine with no problems, my phones still not got a bend in it either. Happy days
  13. Ive had all of the above sitting around waiting to be fitted for about 2 years. I really should pull my finger out and get them on
  14. Don't think there would be any left if Ekona gets his way.. There's always a few radioactive mutants that need some small pox to finish them off, job done
  15. yup iPhone 6 which is now running 8.0.1 or whatever its called. On vodafone with no probs making or receiving calls and touch id is fine. maybe i got lucky
  16. 8.1 is working fine for me. i think
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