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350 Russ

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Posts posted by 350 Russ

  1. shoot to kill that's what a gun was invented for. They were all most probably be on the terror watch list just like the Manchester bomber. This stuff is going to become more and more frequent. The worst thing is us as the public aren't prepared for it as they are all random attacks.


    Its all good and well May the PM saying "we will not back down to terrorists ect etc" she is the 1st to get rushed off in a armored vehicle to some nuke proof safe house guarded by 30 guard's with MP5's and handguns for side arms and M15 on speed dial


    And I'm glad she is, head of government can't become a victim to these fools.


    She is like the rest of them a puppet


    Irrelevent, She's the highest position of government (until thursday at least) and she cant be touched on principle alone. Imagine how they would celebrate that if she was to fall victim to them?

  2. Worth it for the mammary... I mean memory of LeBrock :D


    Also, Ariana followed by Little Mix, splurge!


    Why is AG dressed like she's been cleaning the house all day? im glad she's on the stage now though, finally someone who can sing live.


    Does William know he's not in London??

  3. I'm just looking forward to Katy perry with the Tv on mute *schwing*

    Mrs 350 Russ:

    "I never believed your explanation for the box of tissues and the hand cream next to the computer." "....and now you want me to go out shopping whilst you watch Katy Perry on TV!!, what's going on Russ?!" :surrender::blush::lol:



    HAHAHA 2 words for you "plausible deniability"



    "You told me you were combing your hair"





    If you haven't seen "Weird Science" that quote will mean nothing though. :blush:


    I have a long time ago, I remembered that film for other things than that quote though :blush:

    • Like 1
  4. I'm just looking forward to Katy perry with the Tv on mute *schwing*

    Mrs 350 Russ:

    "I never believed your explanation for the box of tissues and the hand cream next to the computer." "....and now you want me to go out shopping whilst you watch Katy Perry on TV!!, what's going on Russ?!" :surrender::blush::lol:



    HAHAHA 2 words for you "plausible deniability"

    • Like 1
  5. shoot to kill that's what a gun was invented for. They were all most probably be on the terror watch list just like the Manchester bomber. This stuff is going to become more and more frequent. The worst thing is us as the public aren't prepared for it as they are all random attacks.


    Its all good and well May the PM saying "we will not back down to terrorists ect etc" she is the 1st to get rushed off in a armored vehicle to some nuke proof safe house guarded by 30 guard's with MP5's and handguns for side arms and M15 on speed dial


    And I'm glad she is, head of government can't become a victim to these fools.

  6. Are these current ones out of warranty? Did you speak with the seller / manufacturer?



    No they come with a lifetime warranty according to the box which i still have in the boot of the zed. I've emailed them with photos but waiting on a reply.

  7. StopTech is a trusted brakes manufacturer, with huge expertise in the industry:






    Goodridge is the way to go. :#1:


    Thanks for the offer guys, but as I've already spent best part of £100 on HEL then £150 on these then another at least £100 on a replacement set for a car i do only probably 3-4000 miles a year in, im struggling to see the point so might as well go back to oem hoses.

  8. I fitted Hosetechnic braided brake lines to my zed a couple of years ago as recommended by some folks on here, well yesterday I was doing 50 ish on an A road when one of them split and left me with no brakes.













    What do people recommend to replace them with?

  9. THe whole lot!

    I am scared! not don't that kind of thing before and don't want to damage the car.

    Any good web site to order the tank and motors as assume will need to replace

    Thanks again!



    Hi James, good to see you on here, drop a PM to zmanalex or emperor tuning and they should have all the bits you need. :thumbs:

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