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350 Russ

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Everything posted by 350 Russ

  1. Well that didn't last long *Edit* Its back up now so I've ordered one
  2. For £9k I would expect it to bloody float! That might have helped Hammond on the tram tracks, oh how i laughed
  3. that looks incredible!! by far the best colour
  4. this really isn't a good start to 2015
  5. thats good news, andjem choudary next please.
  6. Thanks chaps, I've already ordered myself a bday pressie which should be here today, a mishimoto baffled catch can
  7. that looks the nuts!! i fancy one if the price is right.
  8. Petrol prices today fell to $49.50 a barrel briefly before going to just over $50 again, if it carries on like this I might be able to afford that Alfa 155v6 for work I've had my eye on!!
  9. if it was me i would be looking at something along the lines of this with the thermostatic sandwich plate. http://www.mishimoto.co.uk/09-nissan-370z-08-infiniti-g37-oil-cooler-kit.html
  10. so up this morning all bright eyes and bushy tailed I decided to do a bit on the zed. Ive had a gt spec underbody bracing kit laying about for ages that i hadn't got around to fitting, so i decided to fit the front lower brace. to get access i needed to take off the under tray. just my luck one of the retaining bolts sheared off. so theres a problem that needed sorting. back to that one later. On with getting the brace on, which was straight forward apart from the bolts being b*****d tight. heres how it looked when fitted. Im not happy with the fact it covers over the sump bolt. as the under tray was off it was a good reason to fit the zspeed one i bought from tarmac in the group buy. It would of fit lovely if it hadn't have been for the brace which clashed with the tray. also to get around the sheered off bolt i drilled a hole in the plastic radiator surround and dropped a bolt though and drill a corresponding hole in the tray to line up so it still had a fixing. To get around the tray hitting the brace i put all 4 spacers on the 2 rear bolts and just tightened everything up and it all just pulled in. Id be interested to hear how anyone else got around this.
  11. First thing, does it leak when your not using the bath? If so its not the waste, Other than that its pull up boards and take out the bath until you find it I'm afraid, it's a pain in the arse but it happens.
  12. Goodbye 2014 don't let the door hit you on the arse on the way out! Good riddence
  13. 350 Russ

    Welcome Torqen

    Oil cooler kits for the 350 de
  14. I'll be there on the Saturday, my dad said he would pay for my ticket as a birthday present I'm looking forward to it.
  15. how pretty is that lotus though, I mean before the animals got it, I don't know about anyone else but I found myself on the classifieds during the program and also through homeland as that was one of the worst season finales ever!!
  16. buy a house/flat. get license back. enjoy the zed as much as possible when i get said license back.
  17. Yes he is!! I just watched elf! They also deny that there were peadophile vicars.
  18. Here's how I have mine fitted, it's worth buying an extra set of p clips from eBay to fix it to the wishbone aswell as the strut, The garage doesn't sound too convincing to me, look elsewhere
  19. Do you tell the oldest one their your favourite lol
  20. My worst experience was 6 months ago I awoke to my girlfriend screaming and crying apparently I had had a seizure in my sleep, never had one before, but was taken into hospital and had an MRI scan and I have something called a carvenoma in my brain which had bled and caused the fits, I must have been into double numbers of the amount I had over the week I was in hospital. They have taken my driving lisence from me for a year free of seizures which will be 6 months on the 14th. Here's a photo of the little toerag, about the size of your thumb, there not too keen to operate just yet as it stopped bleeding but could go off again whenever which would mean neurosurgery. stinker
  21. One call have quoted about £300 for new insurance Ask the the reason why then, or cancel and go elsewhere.
  22. reasonable and insurance companies shouldn't be in the same sentence. different firms have different rates. Just because One Call were cheap for your Merc doesn't mean they would have been the cheapest for you Jag if you was to shop around for it like it was renewal time.
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