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Everything posted by Montechristos

  1. Thanks again! I'll read a little more about them. In the mean-time, any other possible causes? (to identify the problem before they rob me off at the dealers)
  2. Thanks for the instant reply! Can you help a little more please? Where are these anti-roll bar drop links and can I replace them myself, or I have to take it to the dealer?
  3. Hello all, I have a problem with my 350z of 2004 with 60000 Kms. (actually I had the problem before, but it seems accentuated now) When the inertia of the car changes, I get a sharp clicking sound coming from the back of the car. Examples: - In 2nd gear, when I accelerate (not very hard) it does an initial 'click'. When i lift my foot off the accelerator, and the engine 'breaks' the car it clicks again. - When I put reverse, as soon as it starts moving, it clicks once. When I go forward again it makes the click again. (it is not the 'stuck' hand-break noise) The click is quite loud and sharp, but when the car moves with the same inertia, it doesn't do it. Any technical savy person can help identify the problem? Thanks in advance.
  4. It is working great! Go for it. I have paired it once, and now, every time I go into the car and turn the engine on, it connects without a problem. Some glitches I have are because my hands-free installation is in German so I can not use the voice commands easily. Also, sometimes the ring is too loud, but I'm working on it. I am using latest version of iPhone 3.1.2. (SBSettings is great to toggle BT on/off not to use battery) Ask me specific questions if any.
  5. I've been trying to find something like this whole night (ish)... I searched in this forum, as well as Internet and couldn't spot it. Cheers mate!
  6. Hi all, I have just bought a BT adapter for my 350Z. It works ok but I have two questions: 1) It only gives sound on the right speaker. Is this normal? 2) When I hold down the speak button, it dials the number 123456789. How can I change this default number? Thanks, Monty PS: It is paired with an iPhone 3GS
  7. I would be interested in one. (used or new) Could you please PM me?
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