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Everything posted by sparky370z

  1. i a bit of reading there!! whew!! that was class! reading the whole thing made me chuckle!! Sparky
  2. might have a look at this guy! see if he can get one out on the door!!! Sparky
  3. but its good for just a quickie! oooh errrrr! just before a show or meet. not saying that its good for a deep detail. but otherwise effective Sparky
  4. yeah but at £150 for the bars and £150 for the box its quite expensive ohh well looks like the van is going to france
  5. thought this might cause some debate
  6. thing is i really need something i can strap my suitcase, tent and associated bits to. Sparky
  7. hi there people, i know that its sacrilege but can u get a roof box for the Z? i am going to the south of france, camping and otherwise it means taking my van. cheers in advance Sparky
  8. the one i have comes in a spray bottle, just spray it on and buff it off. instant shine!!!! IIRC it was about 4 quid for a litre bottle with the sprayer. Sparky
  9. do not get the curve! its rubbish, the internet connection is sooo slow as its on GPRS, the bold is much better as its 3G!
  10. had the bold 9700 for a few months now and it is the best phone i have ever owned!! i am addicted to writing emails and texting on it! some good apps as well. its a very good phone much better than the curve that i had! plus the BB messenger is really good, free messages to other BB users. i have just loaded sky mobile onto mine and it works a treat!
  11. Mines's an 18month contract at £35 a month, not 24. I have had 3 different blackberrys through work, I don't like any of them to be honest. Will see how the iphone goes from Wednesday. how much was the phone? alot of places dont do the iphone on a 18 anymore. what about dial-a-phone. get a free xbox or PS3 if you order one!!!
  12. 1. the new BB storm 2 is out on vodaphone only. and i had a play with it and was VERY impressed. 2. the nexus one (google phone) is very good, but still behind the iphone 3. BB cost a fiver a month more because of the registation on the BB network, however that does get you instant emails and browsing. 4. BB bold 9700 (my phone) is almost faultless, only thing is the internet is sometimes a bit slow. 5. satio is crap!! all new SE phones are until the next update is available. 6. all of your above apps are available on the BB, facebook, instant emails from whatever carrier (i have my work emails fired through from a remote server) 7.my mate has the HTC and is very happy with it. the touch screen is very good IMO. i would get the Iphone off contract, SIM free, for say, 300 quid and then get a better tarriff from someone else (or keep what you got) a new contract means:- the phone costs over 150 then you have to sign up to a 24 month contract at £40p/m. so in effect your paying £1110 for the Iphone. is it really that good???? i pay £23.50 for a 12 month, 700 minute, unlimited texts and emails and unlimited browsing. and i will not be giving that deal up very quickly Sparky
  13. after a good wash, the stuff is really good!!! found it to hold the shine as well. very good for a VERY quick detail.
  14. dont get either of those!! get a blackberry bold 9700 or a new storm 2! they are awesome, i have the bold and im so happy with it! can get it on t mobile as well. i am really pleased with the apps you can get for it and the phone is really quick and easy to use. the storm is the full touch screen but has a odd "clicky" screen but is a wicked phone. my mate has the new one and he says that it is really good. however the storm is only available on vodaphone (IMO the best 3G network out there) sorry i didnt pick one of those phones but blackberrys are really good. and a) everyone has a iphone satio is crap, crashes and needs a update c) dont like the nokia layout. Sparky
  15. i have had the motor about 4 months now! i didnt drive her for almost 3 weeks over christmas due to the weather. i got withdrawal simptoms!!!! every time i get in her, start her up i just smile!!!! best car i have owned by far!! thought about a few others before buying her but i am thrilled i spent a little extra and got such an amazing car!! i do a lot of motorway miles and its awesome at 3K, cruise on just relaxing but then drop a gear or two and it comes alive and makes me smile from ear to ear!!!!!!!! i, too, look very young for my age and get very funny looks when i get out. i have seen someone talking to his Mrs in another car and i lip-read "how the hell did he afford that??!!" the car is........ JUST AWESOME!! Sparky
  16. BARGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GLWTS oh and bump!!
  17. mate, i was soooo close to buting them!!!!! my finger was on the bid now button, if i have the money i would have got them!!!!! massive bargain for some lucky person
  18. a pair of UK ones just went for 132 quid!!!!! what a bargain!!!
  19. it has some perferated holes in it IIRC. that looks like the standard patteren for a mic. its just a bit weird being all the way up there, behind the rear view and stuck to the windscreen
  20. looks like someone has just "stuck" them on!! surely cant be part of a bodykit as it doesnt look right
  21. i got a feeling that is the internal mic for the phone. not too sure tho. is it behind the rear view mirror? i have wondered what that is for. perhaps its for the sat nav and installed to ever car.
  22. the new bose plays MP3's? is that true? as that would be well good! Sparky
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