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Everything posted by sparky370z

  1. She has no reason to complain now when you upgrade the ICE Yes, but I'd already upgraded it S. Sounds like you need to upgrade the Mrs.. Very little trade in value I'm afraid...
  2. not really had that many cars sort of first..... 1969 (i think) morris minor 1000 although i never got to drive her! as she was in bits!!!! was gonna restore her but never did!! proper 1st:- 1989 nova 1.2 5dr merit!! awesome car had her 4 years and never broke down!! 2nd:- 2000 clio 1.4 3dr, awesome car!!! still have her now! with 89k on the clock 3rd 2007 fez ST 2.0 3dr, wicked car but wasnt as fast as it could've have been. as she started just before i sold her. loved that car and still miss it!! then the Zed absolutely love the Zed, best car Ive ever owned! the looks off people and the expectations are immense!!
  3. i have one, in sutton surrey if needed. PM me. Sparky
  4. this may be a really stupid question but. would i have to take the discs off and clean them? mine has a small lip on the edge. but i think the pads require replacment. Sparky
  5. awww thats really sad. poor little cat!! i love my cat and would be distraught if any thing happened to him. good to know the number too. Sparky
  6. as above. looking for a complete set. not too fused of make. (18" rays). cheers. Sparky
  7. at least something is being done, you are going down the right route i think, however if nothing happens perhaps this thread may be an idea viewtopic.php?f=29&t=31505&hilit=explosions just make sure you video it walking away!!!!! Sparky
  8. the second one was well funny!! lol the damage done in the first one tho
  9. the one i bought from your good self, were for the smaller wheels and didnt fit my Rays. all i did was drill out the plastic on the back and then remove the nissan burger. and then just stick the emblems on the cleaned up fascia. SIMPLES
  10. sorry they didnt upload!!!! they are there now!
  11. hi there people, haven't added many more pics as the weather has been rubbish and the car is really dirty but i have added a few mods now. first off i changed the centre caps for ones of my own design. then i got my strut brace cover wrapped in carbon. decided to put on a JWT pop charger, great noise it makes!! really pleased!! then after that i got a scorpion cat back with Japspeed Y-Pipe for a very good price. (thanks Steve) i cleaned it up and got it installed. also got some carbon B pillar covers. put a new gear knob on as the other was worn!! (but having cleaned it up, now its off the car it looks really good, DOH!!) and all important!! i would love to get a full remap but saving for a house means its a no go at the moment!! i really need to give her a really good clean. i have just done alot of motorway miles so there is no point at the moment. next week i will properly clean her!! all comment are welcome thanks for looking Sparky
  12. WOW!!!! epic!!!!!! great thread mate!! looks uber cool
  13. hey thanks for the offer mate, unfortunately im going up north for a P-a-r-t-y!! perhaps another time if its still a problem thanks again
  14. sparky370z

    oil level

    what is the best time to check the oil level? cold or warmed up? have had some conflicting stories. i think i might need a top up as the oil pressure gauge is reading a little low around 45-50 PSI if i remember correctly. Cheers Sparky
  15. before you go doing that have you got a plumbers blow torch. heat the nuts up and it should make getting them off a little easier. will need a good ring spanner with a towel or a cloth wrapped round it.
  16. i went back to get this sorted today. however they are saying that it may have to have the mid pipe spilt then re welded to sort out the rubbing issues. personally i dont think this is the case. i have stuffed some ceramic cloth between the mid pipe and brace. this has sorted it temporally. i was thinking.... there was 2 holes either side of the mid pipe on the brace. perhaps i could get a U clamp and then bolt it though and hold the mid pipe tight onto the brace!! would this be OK? Sparky
  17. that is gorgeous!!! so cool!! ure a lucky man!!!! edit:- just looked at the build photos!!!!!! holy moly!! there was some serious work there and money!!
  18. i know the switches in left its the knobs on the right. just wondered why i only have one and others of the same year have 2
  19. i was looking though Dan4's FS thread and noticed that he has 2 adjustment knobs on the side of his seat, i have noticed this on a number of cars. only thing is, i seem to only have one. was this an upgrade on later cars? mine is a early 04 car but on a 53 plate. what is the other knob for?? Sparky
  20. should have bloody gone down there, thought it was too far to go!! wish i had of really. i really dont think that the mid pipe can be installed upside down. as the hanger bracket is connected and OK. UNLESS the Y pipe could be fitted upside down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! as it looks the same either way up. but there maybe a slight difference!!!! Ooh never thought of the Y-pipe!
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