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Everything posted by sparky370z

  1. if you pay the 95 quid does that mean you dont get the points?
  2. nice one, have met Tiff, he is a thoroughly nice chap!!!
  3. for defo, mine does it. its the condensation there is a little hole in the underside of the car for the water to run out of
  4. A woman walks into a pharmacy, she says to the assistant. " could i have some tampax and some sunglasses." Slightly perplexed, she goes off and gets the ladies items. She tells the lady its an odd combination. The woman explains, "not really, im expecting sunny periods!"
  5. Have u got a link to the ebay item? I would like to see what its like
  6. Im sure that some one has just bought a very similar item. The thing is... Its a UK seller. Not from japan/china. So if you needed, just get a refund if its rubbish. It could be worth a punt really, as a branded one with similar spec you would be looking at about 700-800 quid. Only problem is how long are you looking to keep it. Might be OK for a year but after that it could degrade quickly.
  7. Ahh right. You can buy on that takes the place of one of you number plate lights too. It's a proper bit of Nissan kit. Got one on my qashqai. Very smart and stealth.
  8. i have fitted a round camera in the towing eye cover. the install was pretty simple. i can give you details on how to install this if you like. PM me. its the same as busters. he showed me the one to buy its pretty good and shows a very accurate position on the road.
  9. The mintex cheapies have been spot on. I havent had any problems with them at all. I havent done a massive amount of miles but so far thay have been very good for the money. I have not and prob never will go on a track with the zed so i dont know what they are like on track but normal road use has been just fine.
  10. sparky370z

    Nice Knob

    if your gonna buy a new one. get the Nismo Carbon one!!! it looks the total shizzle!!!!! HIGHLY recommended, as is Tarmac Sportz
  11. really wish i was going! would be great. i have missed all of the events this year!! have a great time and take lots of piccies
  12. sparky370z

    Nice Knob

    i might have a genuine nismo one. i sprayed it black as it was in need of some TLC. will be freshly lacquered and good to go. http://www.templetuning.co.uk/ekmps/shops/templetuning1/images/black_aluminium_nismo_shift.gif PM me for price
  13. This was advertised a few months back. It was the same pictures but the ad was how it was her ex husbands car and she was selling it without his knowledge.
  14. Not right above it. To the left by the passengers knee. Just looks like something is missing.
  15. Is just me or is there a piece of dash missing. Above the air con controls. Not a fan of it TBH.
  16. I have to say that i tbink u may be right. Its pretty awesome. So much better in the flesh too. So pleased it really freshens up the inside of the car!
  17. sssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! keep that quite!!
  18. thought i would put up a few pics of my new Knob. thanks to Chris for sorting me out. i have to say that it looks the business. much better in the flesh. i also bought a new gaiter as well to finish of the look. am now waiting to the handbrake replacement to attach the gaiter to that too. im well chuffed it looks awesome. sorry for the rubbish pictures
  19. they do look pretty sweet on that car!!!! thought they looked on the first pic!!
  20. hahaha, love your honesty. i always keep mine on (until i know i can give some beans) its just easier. i too, have had a few moments when the ESP is off and road was wet. so i always keep it on.
  21. here you go viewtopic.php?f=61&t=50695
  22. looks the nuts!!! think there a couple that have this.
  23. whatever you do people dont type "massive package" into google!! i need to wash my eyeballs
  24. yes i really like that. its quite prominent when in the drivers seat.
  25. got the starting issue sorted as well. it was a loose terminal on the starter motor. its a great car to drive and the extras makes the drive even more pleasant.
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