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Everything posted by sparky370z

  1. Seem strange, Footwell mate, says audio i think
  2. I'll make sure to check them Cheers
  3. they were the kiddies. one red and one primed. as i said even if they are rubbish. it was worth a punt
  4. was there no instructions with the loom?
  5. i think that the Blue and whit cable you speak of, powers the Amp. also the yellow cable you have your meter in on the 3rd pic, is the "battery" cable. fed direct (through a fuse of course)
  6. you shpuld not require to take the block apart. mine was simply a plug and play affair. (apart from the steering wheel controls) check the cables on the back of the HU. it should have a diagram of what the cables are and what they do. also check in the manual for the same diagram.
  7. hi guys, pretty sure that i have just bagged myself some Genuine NISMO side skirts. i have asked the guys if they are genuine and they said yes they are. they were spot on with the spoiler so i dont doubt them. and TBH the amount that i paid, even if they are not i can use them to ski in the winter. only problem is they dont have the fixing kits but could you use the original bolts from the OEM skirts? i will await the confirmation from the guys over there.
  8. Holy moly, That is freaking awesome!!!!!! What a massive transformation!!! Very
  9. with the prices of Zeds going as they are, you could easily get back into Zedding very cheap in a couple of years time. i would say that having your own bricks and mortar are a very high priority. i know what you mean about owning it but not being able to run it!! mine have been on the drive for ages, whilst i do my own house up. its a really tough decision, but i know what i would do if i needed the money!!
  10. i have only seen one black coupe round here so it must have been you. and yes i think i know where you mean. near browning ave or Green Lane
  11. i just gave Chris Knott a ring and they said that, they couldnt insure me because of my age. im 27!!!!! what the deuce!! although Adrian Flux have given me a quote of 680 with mods declared and change of address
  12. dental floss all the way. make sure you got loads and use a sawing action.
  13. dont have any pics at the moment but i can sort you some out on the IOW at the mo, be back fairly soon.
  14. Thought that might be the case lol, So Marky has had a fair bit of luck with Nismo bits this year i sure have, should be getting this today. hopefully it will still be intact after a long journey. knowing my luck i'll have got a bargain but it will have been damaged in the post somehow!!!! will post up some pics once its had a clean and possibly a bit of prep.
  15. the mic is on the done light under the rear view mirror. not sure if you could tap into that cable and use that position. i just run mine up the A pillar and it looks great and is very simple to do.
  16. I am very pleased to say the least. Once i have got it i'll make sure its a good fit and then get it fitted in a couple of months when my house has calmed down and i can afford the fitting and spray.
  17. NICE!!!! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/170680894474? ... 500wt_1156
  18. see now with the kitted Nismo then "I" would go for a deep purple colour with metalic flakes in it! saw it on a FTO a few years back. it looked amazing!!!!
  19. ^^^ This. I've had a few digital cameras over the years but was always irritated by their lack of instant shot, as you'd push the button, the camera would auto-focus, then it would stop and have a cup of tea, then a biscuit, then finally it might get round to taking the actual photo eventually. Not a huge issue if you're only ever taking shots of still things, but for anything moving they're utterly useless and you get by on luck alone. My missus has one still and it's fine for her but it does my head in, and for that reason alone my DSLR purchase has more than justified itself over the last few years. +1 at the same event (goodwood) me and my mum are taking pics. i have the DSLR Canon EOS 500D and my mum a top range Panasonic Lumix. we were taking the roughly the same pics and my mum was struggling to get just one car in view. i have loads of pics on the day and the quality is so much better that her camera. the Canon was about 500 and the Lumix was about 250-300. however was well worth the extra money.
  20. Yeah Sparky... That looks 99% real...... Good one oooooooooooh yeah!!!!!!!!! just needs a bit of prepping and then a respray!!
  21. if it needs a full respray then change the colour to something unique. has your car got a body kit or anything like that, or standard? i would have gone fro orange but a member has done that now. (and looks the nuts) i would have a look through the colour charts and see what you like at the end of the day it YOUR decision and what YOU like
  22. i asked the guys from Sherbourne to send me over some pics. i really hope that this is a proper one? can anyone that got/seen/sold one confirm this? thanks in advance for any help
  23. fitting a aftermarket HU. you will lose the BT functions. simples
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