holy crap,
dont get me started on GPs
oh go on then..............
well, i went to see my GP with severe back pain in late 2009. after a VERY quick examination he said it was muscular. and to take some painkillers and ibuprofen. went back to see him 2 weeks later with the same pain. i asked for an xray but he said that it would cost too much if he referred me, and that if i wanted it i should go to the A+E.
went back again because the the pain had got worse but the only person i could see was a nurse. well, she was useless and read the note again gave me a VERY quick exam and thats it, muscular pain. i asked to be referred for an MRI but she said "oh no, that costs us about 600 pounds if we refer you"
I saw a physio, chiropractor, and and osteopath. this pain went on for about a year. pain still no better but no-one would actually pay out for me to get a scan or xray.
turns out i had a broken back that was pushing my spinal chord due to cancer. go figure eh?
i have changed practice now and i am in the process of dragging them over hot coals with whoever will listen to me.