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Everything posted by sparky370z

  1. love tim vine. seen him a couple of times and meet him a couple of times soooooooooooooooooo funny
  2. Brilliant, remember a guy making a full scale model of a ferrari. If I remember it was pretty acurate and his 5 year old son used to ride in it. Prob on YouTube somewherea
  3. highly modded zed in central london. might have had a VS kit not sure. also think it was GM. sounded sweet!!
  4. i have a fully loaded QQ DCI. love it, its very comfortable and nice to drive. facelift on a 60 plate. its very nice. would highly recommend it!!
  5. And at 400 usd each. Its a frigging bargain.
  6. Looking good, Think a chilli roadster is a pretty rare car!
  7. Not sure about the front but the rear is a pain. Under the dash. Then up the side of the car, passenger side. And then up and over the strut brace and then down into the boot area. About 5 panels I think.
  8. Is your car Facelift or pre facelift? Pre or post 06. The reflectors are different for the two.
  9. Yeah - send me payment as before and I will get another set sent Mark sent mate,
  10. that is fair enough, its a building that has a purpose and will be used by many people over many years. a piece of history!!!!! but not some load of SH!T that has been made just to spend the budget. my local council spent nigh on 600k on a frigging bus shelter!!! it was crap and leaked all over the place!!!
  11. Plan at the moment is to spend no more than £2k to get a economical car for the commute and use the Zed at the weekends. If I get the job then I will have the car ready for the drives - and until then I'll probably only have to fill it up once a month with my current commute. As for renting vs buying - I really don't want to rent, it feels like throwing money down the drin and will just make it harder when saving to buy somewhere. Renting..... well you either pay (for example) £500 a month to rent somewhere, or £500 a month in interest to line a banks greedy palms for your mortgage. Then, with property prices falling, i know people whose houses have dropped by 25% this last year alone, so on a 150k house thats £37500 you have just thrown away over 12 months. Of course, people say that over the long term property goes up in value... and it does.. but it would have to go up by a hell of a lot to give you a better return over what you are paying in interest on the mortgage. I'm sorry but that's utter rubbish. A £500 a month mortgage is not £500 of interest. A certain % is capital unless your on interest only. Even if a property loses 25%, it's only relevant when you sell. If you sell in 10 years times, it's value 9 years before that is wholly irrelevant. House prices are not like car depreciation; they actually go both ways If someone rents for ten years, thats 120 rent payments (120 x £500 = £60,000) down the drain. A 100% waste of money. There is no return on that money. If you bought a place, yes a % is interest but you may have paid off £25,000 or so and the property may have risen £20,000, thats £45,000 of accessible equity that you have. Even if the house price was the same as when you bought it, you could sell up and get £25k back. What would you get if you were renting for ten years? Sweet FA. this man makes sense!! listen to him. renting is OK short term, but looking at it as described above. my mate has been paying off 36K of somebody elses mortgage. he has been renting for approx 4 years now. when i ask him why does he rent (as he could easily afford a mortgage) he says the house prices are too high. but in those 4 years he could have been paying off a massive chunk of his house. to me its a total no brainer really
  12. sorry to be a pain do you have any more packs? in orange. i know i should have got other set!!!
  13. dont really have a clue what its worth really. 50 quid?
  14. i have one too, in sutton, surrey.
  15. good price for someone. as been said a million time before, cant believe they are going so cheap nowadays. GLWTS
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