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Everything posted by sparky370z

  1. some serious motors there, how do i get an invite? who do i have to....................................
  2. sorry dude, have to agree the lights are shite!! bumper looks cool tho!!!
  3. On the m25 today. In the afternoon rush hour. About J13 With a K1 i think. Looking like mine, filthy.
  4. saw a nice sunset this morning, going towards london flashed but in my black Qashqai.
  5. Saw a cheeky blonde in a black coupe, looked nice Silver roadster Both on the a217 going towards the m25 22/03
  6. Part of the sunset brotherhood. Going towards rochester/maidstone. 22/03
  7. Haha, I thought that, 4 hours to do the whole lot. Must be leaving early!
  8. ohh yes, safety is a massive factor. my mate runs 3 bikes and has really good leathers and kit. he said its a must. i have factored that in too. looking at about 7k all in i think. dont really want to get something that mental, just something that will give me a blast when needed.
  9. this is what im thinking....... the cost of the bike and the 350z will be less than a 370z on a lease hire agreement. however the Zed is getting on a bit now. hopefully she wont need too much doing over the next couple of years. plus i can start wearing leathers.
  10. its gonna be a few months yet but i like to do a bit of research before these things. i will have paid the zed off soon and when i do, i will prob either get a 370 roadster or a bike. at present i havent got a bike licence so need to get one. i have looked into it and it seems to be coming down in price alot for an intensive coarse jobby. i will need a bike that can take the mrs, but is fun to ride solo. not too worried what it is as i dont know much about bikes. i have the Zed and love her to pieces, dont need a family car, have a Qashqai for bigger things and have always thought about getting a bike, however i love the 370z roadster. its a toss up between the two. the question is what would you do? get rid of the 350 and get a 370 roadster..... or keep the 350 and get a bike. cheers Sparky
  11. Is that not the whole idea, and not a bad one at that? The country is skint, this makes money for the coffers instead of cuts or taxes, and will also provide work for a good few people. The more I think about it, the more convinced I am it's a good idea. The only downside is that the country is already too small and full of roads, and that they'll only leave the speed limit at 70mph on these lovely clear roads anyway. but i wont be spent effectively, no new roads or making things safer. it'll be a hike in petrol again and have to pay for the tolls too, with no benefit for the motorist. it'll just be the companies that run the roads that get rich!!
  12. and only allow people with 3L and above cars to go on it, with no speed limits. the longest circular track in the world.
  13. love the use of pillocks, havent heard that for ages.hahahaha i would use the toll roads if it benefited the route. like the hindhead tunnel, (although not tolled) is a great improvement to the road. the only problem is, is there that much space to build new tolled roads that would greatly decrease the journey time? would it benefit us that much. dont really see the point of tolling a stretch of the M1 or the M40 for instance, as its a fairly direct route to where people want to go. potentially just a way of making money for the Govt.
  14. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Class
  15. i have one on my Qashqai, think its brilliant. i can squeeze into very tight parking spaces, pretty accurate and good at night as well. i would defo spec one in the new car.
  16. Like those They are massive too!
  17. first car, Vauxhall 5 door 1.2 merit. was ace, cost me the price of the car over 4 years. renualt Clio 1.4s (still own her! 8 years on.) Ford Fiesta ST 2.0 165 and now and the company car.
  18. Hahaha, too easy! Had a go on a heli years ago. When i was about 10. Wasnt mine and i hovered it for about 5 seconds then crashed it. Luckily it was a trainer and was quite robust. Didnt do much damage. Cars, boats and planes are cool. Plus cheaper than a decent heli. Esp when u crash it!
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