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Everything posted by sparky370z

  1. i totally agree, 8.5k is alot for an import. despite the low mileage. you can pick up a UK GT for that. with no hassles. where are you based, as mine will be up for sale soon and i have some nice bits fitted to it as well. 53plate, 43k miles, just had a P3 service, ect.
  2. on the centre caps there are the nissan burgers. if you remove them from the wheel, you will see two little plastic "melted" rivets, drill these out and then the burgers just push out from the back. gives you a smooth surface to stick something too. the transformer discs i got were convex in shape and fitted quite nicely. im sure that someone here does JEL coat overlays for the centre caps.
  3. this is from my photobucket account. its what i have fitted to my wheels you would have to find an image code and paste it into the text box
  4. Hope you're not suggesting we pay to see them undress! On a serious note at least by posting this link you've got FREE 24hr manned and monitored cctv security well whatever floats your boat.!!
  5. i drilled out the nissan burger on mine, which gave me a flat(ish) surface. then ebay came through and i got these to "stick" over the top
  6. class, hopefully wont be like the web cam shows i've seen before? is it interactive? pay money for certain things to come off (or go on)
  7. bit like these? chrome valve stems and nismo caps
  8. I think she's really fit. I definitely would!
  9. Oh bugger, Didnt think the car started without the 'key' in its little slot. Me just being a total noob then
  10. Dont dis the old ones colin, but im sure you already know that already Oh it was just he had to press the unlock button on the fob to open it. My mums clio has it when u walk up to the car its unlocked. Thats what i mean!
  11. colin, does the BE come with keyless entry or is that on later models?
  12. hi guys, need some advice really. at present looking to upgrade, but not sure if to get a later black ed. 2010ish or get a newer GT ed. both me and the mrs love the black edition. its the pros and cons between the two. would prob get a white GT ed with the stripe but it hasnt got the red leather that i would like. question is what would you do? there really arent that many great deals out there anymore due to all of the 2010 cars being sold. and the lack of used 370z on the market. cheers Sparky
  13. Well, this car has appently been sold. However, i wouldnt put it past them to have not sold but they didnt want to see to me. Mainly because i dont 'fit the bill' of a 370z driver. The guys there were a bunch of pricks. And really annoyed me with a grilling of how much i earnt. I wouldnt have bought from them but as they have the only black edition in the NMGB. Properly devestasted about it tbh. Well if they havent sold it they have lost a sale. Coz i would have had it this weekend.
  14. Might be looking at this tomorrow! Very nice. Live the quartz with the red! Is it fully loaded tho??
  15. i have mostly used mine for games and emails. a strong case with a flip cover is a must!!!
  16. I have had it before where i have turned up to site and the consultant has actually rung up my boss and moaned that i hVe turned up in a flash motor. I went round to the boot put my boots and hi-vis on. Got my laptop out, but still got the 'ooh your paid too much' crap. I promptly told the consultant to mind his own frigging business the next time i saw him which got me in more trouble. Whoops
  17. Its a shame that the lights were not as described. A forum member too. If the lights were not in a good way but sold as near perfect then the seller should not only refund but also give the buyer back the postage. If i were to buy something that wasnt up to the description i would be pretty annoyed if i was out of pocket by the end on the process. I would not sell something to someone knowing that it was not in a condition that i had described. However, i do not know the full conversation and as that this is just MHO.
  18. Yeah right!!!!!! People, look at the date in the PH column! Haha
  19. Happy birthday mate! Hope u had a good one!
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