when i test drove my ST the dealer was a total arse. he wanted to take me for literally a 5 min drive of which he drove for 2 mins.
when i said do one. i want a proper test drive and i'll go where i want, he got proper arsey. just despite him i took it out for almost 45 mins. and went on all of the little back roads. took her down the "mad mile" and opened her up. to his total dismay!! was quite funny really. he was pretty pi**ed when we go back. i could see he was talking to his colleges about me. but i had the last laugh. i walked out to test drove another couple but went back the next day when he was off and bought it from another salesman!!!!
with the Zed the geezer (although he was a total prat) said take it out for as long as you like, there was half a tank of fuel. took it out for about an hour and a half. my dad loved being a passenger.......NOT!!!! LOL