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Everything posted by sparky370z

  1. havent seen a NISMO'd Midnight before!!!
  2. dremel make sure you use a disc that actually cuts through rather than "melts/burns" through. means less edges.
  3. yeah thats it, cant believe i bloody missed that! got everything else done!
  4. Ta I'm in Wallington in Surrey you coming to wales? if your in wallington. why the hell havent you been round for a cuppa?? also did you get a 350 yet???
  5. Hey colin, Beef x2 Sticky toffee x1 Choc fudge cake x1 Cheers
  6. Dont think its his zed that ginger!!
  7. wow, it looks like there is a stone embedded into the pad. thats very strange
  8. hi people, does anybody know the paint code for the Red callipers on the black Ed. i have just noticed a bloody great big stone chip in my rear one!!! cheers
  9. where can i buy the above had a look on the usual website but cant find anything suitable. want something i can put in the Zed for wales. cheers
  10. +1 it was a pain with some of the bits i was flogging.
  11. ordered one!!! wait for the postie now!!
  12. vaguely remember that!! thanks dude, think i may order one!!
  13. has anybody got one of these? thinking of getting one of these.
  14. i just find it funny in my little world. i would never swap a 350z for any ford/vauxhall/peugoet/renault(except the r26r) Some people may have too. For the money an ST is a good little hot hatch, and if someone has kids on the way and can only afford to run one car then it could be a viable option. +1 The focci st is a great car. And pretty good for that price. A swap would be good for both parties i reckon
  15. Well im thinking of coming up on the friday. But there are no rooms available for the night. Got a room booked for sat at moreton. Just wondered is there any alternatives. Or if there is gonna be any cancellations. Pm me in there could be any changes. We haved booked a double room. Cheers in advance
  16. Seems good for the money. Very low mileage. Only prob is the engine may be very strong and tight but the rubber bits and ect.. Start to perish. This is what started to happen to mine. The bits are easily avaiable from zman but if you cant fit them yourself then it gets pricey. Seems like a bood price from a dealer tho.
  17. I couldnt go, so im sitting here in my pants with my ipad. Drinking tea. So no, not stuck
  18. Hi people, Is there a newer firmware on my '10 plate black ed? Im pretty sure that it will not have been updated since it was built. Also i have the maps from 09-10 map no1, is there a way of downloading a newer version of this or is it a dealer thing. Cheers Mark
  19. pre facelift car, but imported in 2008. he does say later in the ad its a '03 car. think he has had a bit of a shocker. plus how many Km's had id done before the trip here? probably loads. may have done 28K miles in this country over 4 years. best price £6.5k. shocker!!!
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