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Everything posted by sparky370z

  1. as above. in my black qashqai behind you!!
  2. on the back window and the two tiny side windows you can have anything you like. limo tint would be best on a black car. then on the pass and drivers window you can only have 30% ie it has to let 70% of light through. however on my ST i had more like 50% and never got stopped in the 18months i owned her. tints on a black car is very cool!!
  3. the cost will always be cheaper if you source the parts cheaper and fit them yourself. however, some people just dont have the time/knowledge/inclination to do this so the garages make money. way the world goes round!
  4. put our names down Mark (sparky370z) and Amy. both for camping!!!!! if i can get a tent and the lager in the car............ might have to leave the tent at home!!
  5. yeah, looked in there, couldnt find it. but took the whole assembly into halfords and picked one up.
  6. Not a frigging chance! For a bit more buy a straight import!
  7. sparky370z

    350z stereo

    I have one in my garage. However I'm not sure about the marriage to the ECU issue. You might struggle to get one that works straight away.
  8. Nice meeting you too and many thanks for the freebie, was a lovely drive on way back compared to the way down but least it helped bed the new clutch and flywheel in. Skirts are nearly fixed now, gonna do a test fit this afternoon then last bit of sanding and they should be ready for installation. Sorry Smudgedon but money talks im affraid, and i had been waiting for a genuine set for a long, long while. Hey fella, they will be fine mate. get some pics up when fitted dude. NISMO spoiler still for sale.
  9. I will post the thread up as soon as they are ready PLEASE DONT DO IT !!! i beg you!!
  10. Screamer, i please ask you to delete this thread!!!!! my bank and my Mrs cant cope!!!!!! BTW it was great to meet you!! looking at the invidia tho!! oops
  11. that was the best fun i have had in ages. i was getting an average of 24mpg from door to door. about 800miles i think. the EVO triangle was awesome. very, very quick round there. 3rd and 4th was the best
  12. I love my QQ, Think its great' with the full pana roof too. Bit gutless with the 1.5 tdi. But fully loaded is nice
  13. well here are my pictures, no particular order sorry. my missus took most of them. Mrs Bailey she isnt!!!!!
  14. Hi people, I have noted that the boot light has gone. Could anybody tell me what bulb it is? I cant find it on the net. Cheers
  15. Well i got delivery of this today. It looks very good, compact but sturdy. Just need a hose to go with it now. I need it to be at least 25m tho. dont want to spend a fortune on it. Just a cheap one will be fine. Any ideas??? Perhaps traders at the wales meet will have a snow foam lance deal.
  16. We had fun on Facebook! Hahaha, was very funny. Thanks guys. For all of the hard work u lot put in.
  17. Awww man, that means I might actually have to do some work! Do the right thing and sod the provider! Cheeky sods!
  18. Sorry fella, needed the space in my garage! Missus was moaning!
  19. skirts are now gone!!! thanks very much Rhod. was a pleasure meeting you!!! NISMO spoiler still for sale!!!!
  20. stunning, absolutely stunning!!! red is by far my fav colour on the 350!!! shame they are so rare!!!! all you need now is a lovely NISMO spoiler to set it all off
  21. no, from what i have read, its updated from the USB in the armrest. apparently you get the updated maps and stick it in there!!
  22. what did u miss????? sounds interseting
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