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Everything posted by sparky370z

  1. http://www.TOPGEAR.com/uk/car-news/niss ... 2012-08-09
  2. have you got a link to a website? ie autotrader ect?? also what year is it?? does it have a Full Sat nav touch screen? leather? 19" alloys? as i remember the stripe was an option, a pretty pricey option too. pretty sure it doesnt say on the V5 what it is apart from being a 370z.
  3. heard really good things about the sony one. not sure of spec tho, my buddy paid less than 200 quid for his as i remember
  4. whats olympic park?? a meet?? is it better than croydon
  5. nice one!!!!!!!! looks awesome might see you tonight!!!!! i will come and get that bloody bumper soon. if your about, i have a chat with you about it!!!!!
  6. yeah baby!!!!!! cant wait for the first start up!!!!! it looks absolutely EPIC!!!!! well down guys (and girls)
  7. You know I love em! Should look good on the black car! Plus I lost one of the others within a week of putting them on!
  8. it could be that system that is stuck on the back of the bumper. it has no holes and it supposed to be very good. sounds like it has a switch line problem. doesnt switch over properly.
  9. Why did he get what he deserved? Apparently he was parked in the valet bay so shouldn't have been even been getting a ticket. Jealousy maybe? he got what he deserved because he was a prat. rather than talking to the cop he just thought he could drive off. the cop was OBVIOUSLY in front of the car to stop he driving off. and the bloke knew full well that he would be running the cop over to drive away. it looked like a very nasty gash done the side afterwards. GUTTED!!!!
  10. holy crap!!!! i have just openly drooled. and my mrs proper belted me!!! LOL
  11. Limited number should be mounted on a plate in the middle of the two seats. Looks good. What is the base colour? I would imagine black??
  12. yup mine did this!! was diagnosed as the DMF. why does it do it?
  13. morning everybody, there is a nice 370z Vert in Black Rose, with Auto box. this is in Coulsdon. looks OK. LINKY http://www.renaultretail.co.uk/cars/use ... l/VN60WKS/ only 10mins from where i live!! Mark
  14. very cool!!! the end result will be cracking i reckon!!!!!
  15. i have to say, RM CYA's looks like a stunner. the tan leather is better in the flesh and adds something to the car. i had the black leather in the 350 but now have the red leather on a black car it just adds something special. face lift car with the better interior too!! V, nice plus the added NISMO exhaust and the other bits. JOB DONE!! but if its not what you want then the search continues.........................................
  16. post up a link to the car, if you have one. im sure there will be somebody able to have a peek at it for you if needed
  17. i bet she can crush more than just walnuts between those legs. i would tho!!!!
  18. have subscribed to this thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its going to be a EPIC one i feel
  19. im sure i heard this before, the chap had sunlight beaming down on the speedo unit and the needle went mental and clocking up miles. im sure there is a thread on it somewhere
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