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Jez @ H-Dev

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Everything posted by Jez @ H-Dev

  1. I'm about to do mine - the bushes are filled with silicon goo and on mine its just started to leak out. You maybe able to see if yours are the same just by going on full lock and checking. Alex, what are those cone shaped things in the last link - where do they go?
  2. Sorry to disappoint - a lot of people think we're based in Horsham - the reason for the company name is that it's my surname. Should have thought it through a bit more to be honest
  3. Same here I wondered how long it'd take before we were asked for different colours - Only in black at the moment.
  4. As you say, you'll obviously see a bigger improvement if the original earths are in poor shape. On this car they weren't that bad as we've just put a new (standard) engine in it, so freshly fitted. I was surprised to see any difference at all - often this sort of thing is just a placebo effect.
  5. I've been reading about grounding kits and their effect on engine smoothness and driveability and to be honest I was a little skeptical. At the moment we're in the process of rewiring a car and had some spare high quality multistrand flexible copper cable and copper connectors. I made up a 4 cable grounding kit and recorded our findings. To judge whether the grounding kit would make any difference we chose to measure the signal from the air flow meter at the ECU (in the passenger footwell) and also the noise present at the throttle body, with the engine idling. I've got a laptop based osciloscope that we used to record the signals. First we took some measurements of the air flow meter signal at the ECU and voltage at the throttle body without the additional grounds. Results below. We then added 4 grounding cables - 2 cables from the battery ground body connection to the inlet plenum and the front of the engine at the same point as a loom earth. And 2 cables from the left hand side of the engine to the body. Pictures below. We were really surprised to see that the additional grounds did reduce the noise at the AFM and throttle body quite a bit. Also, I've driven the car and it does seem smoother when coming on and off the throttle in the lower gears. Because the results are better than we expected, we will be offering these kits for sales in the near future. Hopefully others can benefit from a smoother engine. I've highlighted the points we used for grounding with red circles as they don't show up that well otherwise. Obviously this isn't a 100% scientific test, but at least it shows a significant change in signal noise.
  6. Steering UJ was removed and initially I had the wheel 360 deg out. It's back in the correct position now - I can see the steering angle change properly from lock to lock in the Uprev software so I don't think I've broken it - its just that when driving straight the ECU thinks its at an angle of about 70 deg. I've had a search around and some other Nissans have a problem like this when the battery has been disconnected for a long time. Looks like I might have to bite the bullet and go to a dealer.
  7. We've just done an engine swap on an '04 UK 350Z. Car runs fine, but stability control / traction control lights come on after driving over about 15 mph. I've have a look at the fault code logged and its the steering wheel position center. When driving straight the ECU thinks the wheel is at an angle of about 70 degrees. Does anyone know how to reset the steering wheel angle without going to Nissan?
  8. Cheers Bought a few UpRev more licenses yesterday - when I've got the hang of it we'll be offering mapping and engine performance packages.
  9. The valve is to stop or restrict coolant flow through the throttle body in an attempt to reduce intake temperatures. I agree with Mark from Abbey - they don't really give any gain.
  10. Thats great news - I'll going turbo at some point and thought I'd have to start thinking about getting a different box on there.
  11. Thanks very much for the feed back - always good to hear what customers think A video is a great idea - I'll produce one in the near future. I've got a car in at the moment that will be having a kit fitted this week.
  12. Defo interested in this - hopefully get on track too - Combe is a great circuit.
  13. That should be awesome! Which gearbox will you be using?
  14. Unfortunately I don't have a graph of standard power vs power with just spacer. But I do have standard vs decat, spacer and remap. This was carried out on our test car - a 2004 UK GT
  15. Thanks for the comments so far. Not sure if we'll be able to sort out folding key fobs - but I'll keep my eye out if any options turn up. Plenum spacers are already available - viewtopic.php?f=161&t=45012 And we're working on exhaust / intake options now
  16. I like to run H-Dev as a company that is proactive, so I wondered what would you like to see for sale. It can be products or services. We've already got our special offer on H-Dev plenum spacers - what else would you like to see? If we can get a few people interested in a certain thing then we'll try to sort out the best deal we can
  17. We're currently using UpRev for remapping and our own decats. We'll be able to offer these along with other products and services soon.
  18. Off the top of my head it was something like this (I've got the graphs at work) Standard UK car at Surrey Rolling Road made 257bhp Then we fitted decats and remapped it and it made 272bhp Then we fitting the plenum and it went up to 283bhp So about 10bhp from the spacer. And about 26bhp from stock to decats, spacer + remap.
  19. Assumed zugara was talking about the thermal gasket? To be honest I can't see them doing that much, although I've not tested them.
  20. Not at the moment - although it is something we can look into
  21. Just to add - we've dyno proved these spacers. I'll get the graphs up tomorrow. It gave a good gain on our test car. Any questions, just ask
  22. These kits are made in the UK and include the following parts: Precision Water Cut 8mm Alloy Plenum Spacer Precision cut gasket Alloy Strut Bar Spacers Internal Nylon Plenum Spacers Complete bolt and washer set. Step by step fitting instructions You can order online or give us a call on 01635 247477. http://www.h-dev.co.uk/product_info.php ... s_id=25052 We have these in stock, very nearly ready to go (we're waiting on a batch of strut bar bolts to arrive - they should be here in the next few days)
  23. You're more than welcome to pop in I should have mentioned opening times - 9-6pm Monday to Friday, but we can arrange other times by appointment.
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