We're going to run a group buy on the D1 Spec 7-drive throttle controllers.
These controllers allow you change the accelerator pedal to throttle plate ratio.
The D1 SPEC 7-Drive allows you to set it in 3 modes: Sport, economy and standard.
Sport mode has 7 different settings allowing you to fine tune throttle response.
Economy mode has 5 settings that are designed to minimise fuel consumption.
Standard mode is the normal setting, as if the controller is not connected
The unit is plug and play - fitting is very simple, just unplug the throttle pedal connector and connect the 7-Drive inbetween.
These are usually £119.99, in the group buy we can do them at these prices:
2+ - £99.99
4+ - £89.99
7+ - £79.99
Shipping with in the UK is £4.59
We will run the group buy until the 2nd March, so get your name down if you're interested
We will ship from the 2nd March onwards